1.4. Glossary
The glossary contains the main terms and designations used in Yandex Map Editor.
Attribute — an item characteristic whose value you can enter during the mapping process. The set of attributes depends on the type of map item. Usually they include the name and type of the item. See 2.10.1. Adding map item attributes..
Bug report: a message that describes an error or malfunction that was found in the service.
You can send a bug report via the YME Chat or the support service feedback form.
Before you create a bug report, make sure that the error is caused by Yandex Map Editor rather than by your operating system, browser, internet connection, or other software (firewalls, ad blockers, etc.).
See “Point”.
Shape: the form of map items (placemarks, lines or polygons). Editing the shape means changing the appearance of a map item.
Route: all of the stops made by various transport vehicles (including rapid-transit or water-transport vehicles) between a beginning and ending location.
Each route can have a number of different transport options that differ by the direction of the route (to or from), the starting time (morning, evening, etc.), and the particular day (weekdays, weekends, etc.).
Each separate route is called a route option.
See also “Route option”.
MYM and MM are the abbreviated forms of Mobile Yandex Maps (an app for smartphones and other mobile devices).
Moderation means verification of items that users draw in Yandex Map Editor to ensure that they are real, contain no errors, and so on. See 1.3. Moderating edits from Yandex Map Editor.
YME, ME: abbreviated forms of Yandex Map Editor. See 1. About Yandex Map Editor.
Route option: a route that goes in a particular direction through particular stops in accordance with a particular timetable where stop times and time en route between them is indicated.
If there are several different timetables and itineraries, then you should create a separate route option for each of them. For example, there might be some routes that diverge from the main itinerary to make secondary stops.
If the route runs in both directions, you must create two options for it: “to” and “from”.
See “Route”.
Geographic term: the type of geographic feature (lake, cape, island, etc.). These features are often included under place name (Cape of Good Hope, Bolshoy Ussuriysky Island, etc.). See 3.1.3. Map item naming rules..
Map items: elements that display on the map as placemarks, lines, and polygons and represent real items (buildings, territories, roads, rivers, etc.) at a given scale.
Polygonal items: map items that are represented by a specific shape (as opposed to placemarks and lines) on the map. For example, territories, forests, and bodies of water. For more information, see Section 2.7. Polygonal items.
Polygons can be simple (i.e. consist of one continuous shape). Polygons representing buildings or structures are examples of these. Rules and techniques for drawing and editing such items are described in Section 2.7.3. Simple polygonal items.
Some items, however, may consist of several independent polygons. Polygons representing cities are examples of these. Rules and techniques for drawing and editing such items are described in Section 2.7.4. Composite polygonal items.
Simple linear items. These are used to draw simple, small geographic items (such as short roads or fences).
Rules and techniques for drawing and editing such items are described in Section 2.6.1. Simple linear items..
Composite linear items. These are used to draw complex, extended geographic items (such as highways or major rivers). Composite linear items are made up of several simple linear items. For example, highways are made up of road sections and rivers are made up of sections or riverbed.
Rules and techniques for drawing and editing such items are described in Section 2.6.2. Composite linear items.
The linear objects — objects whose length is disproportionately greater than the width (and other geometric parameters): roads, borders, rivers, metro line, etc. Linear objects of different types are displayed on the map by lines of different thickness, color, etc.
When you draw on the map, they are divided into two types:
Places: map items that don't display at map scale. For example, wells, ATMs, fountains, etc.
These map items display on the map as icons (pictographs) that differ in shape, color, size, etc.
Additionally, use placemarks for map items if polygons would make it difficult to read the map or if the shape of the map item itself is not a significant consideration (such as for stores or other establishments). Several such map items can be located within one building and using icons to represent them makes it possible to display them all without overlapping.
Rules and techniques for drawing and editing such items are described in Section 2.5. Places.
Overzoom: a mode that lets you “zoom in” on the map even in places where there is no corresponding satellite image. For information on zooming in and out, see 2.2.3. Change the map scale.
Drawing: entering polygons, lines, and placemarks on the map based on satellite images.
This is the main technique for creating items on Yandex Map Editor (other than those that don't display on satellite images: outlines of straits and bays, administrative division borders, addresses, etc.).
Drawings display on the map in accordance with the design being used.
See also “Map item”, “Place”, “Linear item”, “Polygonal item”.
See Point.
Backdrop: the background image that map items display on top of it (either the satellite image (“satellite”) or a schematic map (“map”)). See Choice of backdrop.
An image (space, satellite) will serve as your backdrop on Yandex Map Editor. Map items on Yandex Map Editor are based on images. See 2.3.1. Satellite images..
Indoor maps are used for constructing and displaying layouts for buildings with multiple levels on Yandex Maps (shopping malls, business centers, and others).
Such layouts have a hierarchical structure: the indoor map is divided into multiple levels usually corresponding to the building's floors. Each level (floor) is divided into areas of different types. Each of those levels (floors) can house different amenities (elevators, stairs, fountains, etc.) and locations (businesses) of different types.
See 3.18. Indoor maps.
Place name: a proper name that represent a given geographic feature. See 3.1.3. Map item naming rules..
- Independent map items, such as “addresses”.
- The beginning and end of linear items (such as road sections)
Intersections or places where linear items join
- Vertexes of curved lines on the map (intermediary points on a line with a complex shape)
Point: one of the main geographic elements on the map, which is used to represent:
Feature request: a message containing a request about the service. For example: “Make a new tool”, “Let us insert photos”.
You can request a feature via the YME Chat .
Footprint: the outline of a building's foundation. The footprint (as opposed to the roof) is what you should draw on the map. For more information, see Section 3.4.1. Rules for drawing buildings..
The Application Programming Interface (API) is a set of functions and modules that let you insert Yandex Maps into webpages so users can see maps there.