3.13. Transport: rapid
The “Rapid transit” category includes metro and light metro lines and stations, rapid trams, rapid transit buses, urban monorails, cable cars in cities and recreational areas, funiculars, and other modes of transportation that do not run along city streets.
This category also may include transport systems, inner-city and suburban railway routes, and individual ground public transport routes if they meet the following requirements:
They are located on the territory of a single locality or municipality or in the vicinity of one (not more than 50 km from the border of a locality or municipality)
They run regularly and do not break during the day
Trains run at fixed time intervals along a route and that interval does not exceed 20 minutes
Stops are not made more frequently than once per kilometer
Separate tracks
Transport is faster along these routes than along similar routes that involve the same type of vehicle
The line or route has a proper name (for example: Line 8, L1)
The transport options are integrated into the city transport system (in particular, there is the option to pay using a unified public transport card).
One of the types of rapid transit items is the light rail transit system (LRT) , which features high-speed trams and “light rail” (if it is built similar to high-speed trams). Special drawing rules and attributes apply to LRT systems.
- Sections of rapid transit lines that join to form a rapid transit line
- Rapid transit stations
- Exits from rapid transit stations
Rapid transit items may also include platforms of rapid trams, metro systems, and so forth (see Section Rules for drawing railway platforms).
For more information, see sections: