Install the app

Attention. The Yandex.Mail app is supported on smartphones running iOS 13 or later.
  • Download the app from the official store.

  • Install the app from the Yandex app catalog.

    Enter your mobile phone number on the app page and and click Get. Yandex will send an SMS with a download link to the number you entered.

Update the app

To learn more about how to update the app and set up its autoupdate, see App Store.

If you are having problems with the Yandex.Mail app, please let us know via the feedback form in the app:

  1. Pull the screen to the right.
  2. Select Help and support under the list of folders.
  3. Select Problem.
  4. Select a subject.
  5. Describe your problem in as much detail as possible.
Attention. If you'd like to report a problem with the mobile app, please use the feedback form in the app rather than the one in Help. This way your request will be received by the right support specialists and you will get a quicker response. Besides, when you send your request directly from the app, our support specialists see the technical information that can help resolve the issue. If the app crashes unexpectedly and you can't use it to contact us, please send the error message via the feedback form.