I want to report an ad

Ads in the Yandex app

The Yandex app is absolutely free and works partly thanks to advertising. But apps shouldn't block the view and interfere with the app.

If you think the ad takes up too much space, contact support. Attach a screenshot with the image of the ad to your message.

Ads of the Yandex app in other apps or on third-party sites

Yandex services or third-party sites may display special banners telling users about the Yandex app. We did our best to design them and place them in a way that doesn't cause any inconvenience to users.

If an ad is inconvenient, contact support. In your message, specify:

  • In which app or on which website the ad is placed.
  • Whether it is possible to close it.

If possible, attach a screenshot with the image of the ad.