Other settings

Service panel


Background, theme

Font size

Where are my downloads?

Background, theme

At the moment, you can't change the app's background or theme, but this feature will appear soon.

To display the app elements (tabs, the SmartBox, and so on) on a dark background, turn on the dark theme.

  1. Tap  (profile icon) on the Home screen.
  2. Tap App settings → Theme.
  3. Choose Always dark.

To change the theme to a light one, choose Always light.


For devices running iOS version 13.0 and later, the System settings option is available. When this option is on, the app's theme is the same as in your device settings. This option is selected by default.

The dark theme is missing

Update the app to the latest version, and the option will appear.

The theme hasn't changed

If you changed the theme in general settings, it won't change in the app. The theme changes when you change it in the app settings.

Font size

You can change the font size in your device settings, and then it'll change in the app as well.

  1. Open the device settings.
  2. Choose DisplayText and display size.
  1. Open the device settings.
  2. Choose Screen and brightnessText size.

Where are my downloads?


Available only for Android devices.

View the path to downloads

By default, the Yandex app downloads files to the Downloads system folder. To view the path to it:

  1. On the Home screen, tap  (profile icon) → App settings.
  2. In Downloads, tap Save files to.
Move the downloads folder to the SD card

If you have an SD card, you can store downloads on it to save device memory. To do this:

  1. On the Home screen, tap  (profile icon) → App settings.
  2. In Downloads, tap Save files to and choose SD card.

The storage folder will change, but downloaded files will stay where they were.

Return the downloads folder to the phone's internal memory

Once you've moved downloaded files to the SD card, you can start downloading files to the device memory again:

  1. On the Home screen, tap  (profile icon) → App settings.
  2. In Downloads, tap Save files to and choose Phone.

The storage folder will change, but downloaded files will stay where they were.

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