Save your addresses to order delivery on Yandex Market or get directions faster in Yandex Maps or Yandex Navigator.
In the Addresses section on the Data tab, you can:
- Select an address you want to add (home, work, or other).
- In the window that opens, start entering the address (country, city, street, house) and select an appropriate option from the list.
- In the To help the courier block, enter additional information, such as your apartment number, entrance, floor, and door code. You may leave a comment for the courier.
- Click Save.
- Select an address you want to edit (home, work, or other).
- In the window that opens, click
and make changes.
- Click Save.
- Select an address you want to delete (home, work, or other).
- At the bottom of the window that opens, click Delete address.
- Confirm your action.
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