Registration by phone number

Some Yandex services offer simplified registration: all you have to do to register is enter your phone number. After that, you can use more Yandex features.

To get access to all Yandex features, including getting a Yandex email address and using Yandex Disk, you need to complete full registration.
  1. Register in Yandex by phone number
  2. Log in to Yandex by phone number
  3. Complete registration

Register in Yandex by phone number

Restriction. You can only create one account with simplified registration for one phone number.

There are two ways to register:

  1. Open a Yandex service.
  2. Click Log in (this button is usually in the top-right corner of the page).
  3. Enter your phone number and click Next.
  4. Click Create new account.
  5. Enter the code from the SMS.
  6. Read the User agreement terms and conditions and click Next.

Use the phone number you provided when registering to log in to Yandex services.

Important. If you forget or lose your number, you won't be able to restore your account. To avoid this, complete full registration: create a unique username and password.

Log in to Yandex by phone number

If you registered using a phone number, use it to log in to Yandex services:

  1. Open any Yandex service.
  2. Click Log in (this button is usually in the top-right corner of the page).
  3. Enter the phone number you used during registration as your username.
  4. Click Log in.
  5. Enter the code from the SMS.
  6. Select an account from the list. The list shows the accounts you have logged in to in the last 6 months.
    The account you need is not in the list
    1. Click The account I need is missing and choose Find by first and last name.
    2. Enter your first and last name and click Next. The accounts found by first and last name will be added to the list.

Complete registration

  1. Click Create ID and choose who you're creating an account for — yourself or your child.
    For yourself
    1. Enter your real first name and last name.
    2. Come up with and specify a username and password.
    3. Enter your phone number.
    4. Read the User Agreement terms and conditions and click Register.
    For a child
    1. Log in to your account in any convenient way.
    2. On the Create an account for your child page, click Create.
    3. Enter your child's name and date of birth and click Next.
    4. Come up with and enter the child's username and password and click Next.
    5. Enter the code from the SMS.
    6. Read the User agreement terms and conditions and click Next.