Auto-upload photos and videos from mobile devices to the “Camera Uploads” folder

Configure auto-upload to Yandex Disk for media files if you take a lot of photos and videos with your phone or tablet. This way, your photos won't be lost even if something happens to your phone or tablet.

Photos and videos are uploaded to the “Camera Uploads” folder. You can view files on the Yandex Disk home page, in the mobile app, and in the desktop program.

Attention. The Camera Uploads folder cannot be modified. If you rename, delete or move the “Camera Uploads” folder, a new folder with the same name will be created in its place and all your photos and videos will be uploaded there.

If you don't want to store your photos and videos in the “Camera Uploads” folder, you can move them to any other Disk folder. The files you moved aren't uploaded again during the next auto-upload.

Photos and videos automatically uploaded to the “Camera Uploads” folder use up space on your Yandex Disk. If you don't want them to take up space, enable unlimited auto-uploads.

  1. Enable auto-uploads
  2. Which folder will my photos and videos be in?
  3. Manage photos and videos
  4. You have run out of space on your Yandex Disk because of auto-uploads
  5. Photos and videos are no longer uploaded to Camera uploads
  6. Someone else's photos and videos were uploaded to my Yandex Disk
  7. Disable auto-uploads

Enable auto-uploads

  1. Open the app settings.
  2. Tap Auto-upload photos and videos.
  3. Enable the Auto-upload photos and Auto-upload videos options.
  4. Make sure the Upload to unlimited storage option is disabled.
  5. Choose which network to use to upload photos:
    • Turn off Upload over mobile data if you want to upload files only over Wi-Fi.
    • Turn on Upload over mobile data if you want to upload files over both Wi-Fi and mobile internet.
      Attention. Mobile data charges may apply.

Which folder will my photos and videos be in?

Automatically uploaded files will be stored in “Camera uploads”. You can also see them under Photos and Feed in the mobile apps and Photos and New files on the Yandex Disk page.

Attention. Under Photos, files are only displayed and not stored. If you delete files from All photos, they will also be deleted from the “Camera Uploads” folder. Files deleted from Yandex Disk are kept in the Trash for 30 days. While the files are in the Trash, you can recover them. After 30 days, they are automatically removed from the server. Once deleted from the server, these files cannot be restored.

Manage photos and videos

The same actions are available with automatically uploaded photos and videos as with ordinary files: you can view, download, or share them.

You have run out of space on your Yandex Disk because of auto-uploads

When you run out of space on your Yandex Disk, access is restricted. To remove these restrictions, delete unnecessary files, empty the Trash (files in the Trash also take up space), or buy more storage space. Otherwise, your access to Yandex Disk will be blocked in 44 days, with your files deleted forever six months after that. You can learn more about these restrictions under Yandex Disk storage space.

To avoid running out of space in Yandex Disk due to auto-uploads, enable unlimited auto-uploads.

Photos and videos are no longer uploaded to Camera uploads

This is most likely because you enabled unlimited auto-uploads. Media files are not stored in the “Camera uploads” folder when unlimited auto-upload is enabled. You can view them under Photos on the Yandex Disk page.

To start uploading photos and videos to the “Camera” folder again, disable unlimited auto-uploads.

Someone else's photos and videos were uploaded to my Yandex Disk

Someone else's files may end up on your Yandex Disk if you log in on their mobile device. If auto-uploads are enabled, files from that device will be uploaded to your Yandex Disk.

Here's how to stop uploading other people's files to your Yandex Disk:

Log out on all devices
To keep other people's files from being uploaded to your Yandex Disk, log out of Yandex Disk on all devices.
Revoke program access

You can also revoke the access Yandex Disk programs and apps have to your files stored on the server:

  1. Open the Access management page.
  2. Look through the list and find all the lines with Yandex Disk.
  3. Click each line, and then click Delete.

Disable auto-uploads

  1. Open the app settings.
  2. Tap Photo and video auto-uploads.
  3. Disable the Auto-upload photos and Auto-upload videos options.