Questions and answers

On this page, you will find answers to frequently asked questions about the service.

How to get rid of a CAPTCHA

A CAPTCHA (an image and a field next to it where you enter the characters from the image) can appear if you access the service too often or are located outside the Commonwealth of Independent States, or if your browser cannot save the required cookie file. Yandex does not have the technical means to manually remove the CAPTCHA.

Please check that you have cookies and JavaScript enabled in your browser. Make sure that the required cookie file has been downloaded to your browser. To do this, click, go to Technical information → Your browser cookies, and try to find fuid01 there. If fuid01 isn't there, that means cookies are blocked. Your cookies might be blocked by a firewall or browser extension that limits the display of page content (for example, AdBlock). Try to find and disable these blockers.

If you are sure that everything is configured correctly and the CAPTCHA is still appearing, reduce the number of times you access the service. The CAPTCHA will disappear automatically.

Blocked access

Access may have been restricted due to a violation of the License to use Yandex Search Engine or because your computer is infected with a virus that creates a high load for Yandex services.

Please read the License to use Yandex Search Engine and make sure that your computer or your subnet computers do not use apps or programs that violate the listed conditions. Pay particular attention to Clause 2.3.

Be sure to check your computer for viruses. You can use an antivirus tool like CureIt! from Dr.Web or the Kaspersky Lab antivirus. In addition to your regular antivirus software, it's recommended that you perform an additional scan using a third-party scanner, because antivirus programs use different virus databases.


If you connect to the internet via a shared Wi-Fi hotspot or use a different type of connection that allows several computers to connect to the internet using a single IP address, scan all computers sharing the same IP for viruses.

If you are sure that the License conditions have not been violated and that the computers on your subnetwork are not infected, wait for a while.

Access to the service will become available automatically within 14 days. It's technically impossible to unblock access before that.

The system asks me to enter my username and password

You must be logged in to use Wordstat or Keyword statistics. Enter your username and password to continue.

Which operators does the service support?

You can use the following operators: !, +, " ", [], (), and |.

In Wordstat, the Regions and Top queries tabs support all operators. The Dynamics tab only supports the + operator.

In Keyword statistics, the By keyword and By region tabs support all operators, while the Query history tab only supports the + operator.
