Maximum number of clicks
Strategy settings
Select the criteria and spending limit to get the maximum app installations:
This option is suitable for advertisers who know how much they are willing to pay for one installation.
The system automatically adjusts your bids to match your targeting criteria and attract as many users as possible. For some targeting criteria, the bids may be higher than the assigned average CPC. For others, it may be lower. The average cost may fluctuate up or down over the course of the day. but the average CPC for the entire week will not exceed the amount you set. For the limit to apply, the strategy should run without changes or pauses over the whole calendar week.
This strategy is most effective for campaigns that receive more than 100 clicks per week. If a campaign contains long-tail keywords with a relatively low CTR and gets less than 100 clicks per week, the average CPC may increase, but no more than double.
- Average CPC
The average CPC is calculated as the weekly spending divided by the number of clicks per week, resulting in the average cost charged when a user clicks on an ad.
The minimum average CPC is RUB 0.9 (values for other currencies). To find the optimal average CPC, we recommended using the budget forecast.
- Weekly budget
Minimum budget size is 300 RUB (values for other currencies).
This option is suitable for advertisers whose main objective is to attract as many interested visitors to the app as possible.
The system automatically allocates the budget to achieve as many app installations as possible. Keywords with a high CTR forecast get more traffic, while bids are lowered for keywords with a low CTR forecast.
For the limit to apply, the strategy should run without changes or pauses over the whole calendar week.
- How to configure
Select the “Weekly budget” limit and specify the budget amount.
The minimum weekly budget is 300 rubles (see other currencies).
The actual expenditure of a campaign using this strategy may vary by several percent from the specified budget. Accuracy may be affected when you switch between strategies, make changes to the budget, suspend a campaign, refine your time targeting or change the campaign start date.
Budget distribution depends on your time targeting settings. For example, if you limit ad impressions to two days a week, your budget will only be distributed over those two days.
If the budget cannot be spent, you will see an alert in the interface and get a notification sent to your inbox. This usually means that the keywords selected have a low CTR, a low budget or a low maximum bid.
You can also limit the maximum CPC.