Ad layout

Your ads need to meet certain requirements in order to pass moderation.


Yandex does not accept advertisements for certain products and services, and there are additional rules that apply to certain subjects. This is due to legal restrictions and Yandex advertising policy.

Ad text

The language of the ad must match the language of the target country. Keywords in the language that doesn't match the target country must be accompanied by a translation (except trademarks).

Rules for using language in ads

You can create an ad in Yandex Direct using any available language.

Target country Permitted languages
Russia Russian or any other available language with complete translation into Russian
Kazakhstan Russian, Kazakh or any other available language with complete translation into Russian or Kazakh
Belarus Russian, Belarusian or any other available language with complete translation into Russian or Belarusian
Turkey Turkish or any other available language with complete translation into Turkish
Uzbekistan Uzbek, Russian, English
Other countries

Armenian, Azerbaijani, Belarusian, Bulgarian, Chinese, Croatian, Czech, German, Dutch, English, Finnish, French, Greek, Hindi, Hungarian, Indonesian, Italian, Japanese, Kazakh, Korean, Malaysian, Norwegian, Polish, Portuguese, Romanian, Russian, Slovak, Spanish, Swedish, Thai, Turkish, Ukrainian, Uzbek, Vietnamese, and Filipino

Grammar and vocabulary

Texts must be compiled in accordance with the standard spelling and punctuation rules of the language used in the ad.

Make sure your ad texts do not contain the following:

  • Typos, grammar and spelling mistakes
  • Words written with spaces between each l e t t e r.
  • Words written entirely in CAPITAL letters, except for common abbreviations (for example, GOST) and brands (for example, YANGO).
  • Slang words, crude or colloquial expressions.
  • Repetition of the same words or phrases.

Image ads. Non-severe violations (grammar errors, typos, Caps Lock and text embellishments, such as emojis or letter-spacing) are corrected and resubmitted for moderation.

Ad content

Your ad content must meet the following requirements:

  • The text of your ad must clearly state what your product or service is.

  • If you are advertising a news resource, your ad text must clearly indicate that the link leads to a news media site or article. Use phrases like “see more”, “details at”, and “article” to convey this. The ad text should relate to the title and contents of the news story, indicate the article or news source, and link to the page where the full version of the article is published.

  • Comparatives or superlatives can only be used in your ad text or callouts if you have a statement from an independent expert that your product or service is superior to others. The statement must be published on the landing page or mentioned in the ad. If no such statements are available, do not use words in the superlative form.

Your ad texts cannot contain:
  • False information (knowingly misleading statements and promises).
  • Aggressive provocations or calls to commit violence.
  • Contact information (such as phone numbers or email addresses) except postal addresses.


Landing page

The page to which the click on the ad leads must meet the following requirements:

  • It must be relevant to the ad text.
  • The page must not offer prohibited items or services.
  • It is accessible and displays properly in all web browsers.
  • It must not contain "Website under development" or "Domain is parked" message.
  • It must not contain malicious content that fraudulently collects information about the user (phishing).
  • It must not contain pop-ups or pop-unders (except contact forms like for requesting online consultations).
  • Ad units must not cover more than half of the first screen.
  • Information about discounts, products, or services mentioned in the ad must be clearly visible on the landing page.
  • If the ad leads to a website in a language other than that of the ad, you must make this clear to the user in the ad text.
  • If the ad leads to a messenger, we recommend specifying the company name and description in the messenger.
  • You can't use an IP address instead of the domain name.
  • You can't use websites with domain names that mimic Yandex (for example, contain the word “yandex”).
Contacts on site
Make sure to specify the contact details of the organization (or individual entrepreneur) on the advertised site. This requirement is mandatory when advertising certain categories, for example:
  • Car dealerships.
  • Equipment repair services.
  • Disinfection, pest control, and extermination services.
  • Legal services.
  • Microfinance organizations.
  • Consumer credit unions.
  • Pawn shops.
  • Loans, including intermediary services.
  • Sales of any tickets (for example, tickets for public transport or entertainment events).
  • Promo code websites.

Check that the contact details on your site are up-to-date:

  • Legal name:

    • For legal entities: name and business structure.
    • For individual entrepreneurs and the self-employed: .
  • Actual address.
  • Phone number.
  • OGRN (main state registration number for legal entities) or OGRNIP (main state registration number for individual entrepreneurs), INN (taxpayer identification number).


Keywords must be directly related to the ad content.

Do not use general keywords without specifying the product or service that you advertise (for example, buy, apartment, or discount). Replace them with phrases that relate directly to the subject of your ad: buy discount carseat, buy apartment in the center of Moscow and so on.

Ads for products or services that are “adult-only” or could “disturb” viewers can only be served when users enter very specific search queries that indicate they want to view such ads. For example, if you are advertising erotic lingerie, do not use more general keywords like underwear.


The domain of the link in the promo must match the domain of the main link in the ad.

Exception: Links to social networks or Yandex Market.


A vCard should contain a contact phone number.

You can add a contact person's name and detailed information about your product or service. vCard texts are subject to the same requirements as ad texts.

For distance sales, specify your organization's name and OGRN (for legal entities), OGRNIP (for individual entrepreneurs), or your full name (for self-employed persons).

Images and icons for mobile apps

Text on the image must meet the same requirements as the ad text, except for the contact information. The phone number, address, and other contact details are allowed in the image.

If you use logos, watermarks, and text on the image, we recommend that they don't take up more than 20% of the entire image. Material found on the product packaging, in app screenshots, or in the ad images are the exceptions to this rule.

Images must meet the following requirements:

  • They must match the ad text and the content of the landing page.

  • They must be high-quality and clear, with no compression artifacts. The image background must not be transparent.

  • Interface elements must lead to the site or launch the app. For example, an element might be a button that says "More", "Order", or "Purchase". Do not add interface elements that can mislead the user or do not do what they are supposed to, such as buttons that look like they play videos or close windows.

We do not recommend using images with contrasting borders.

Do not use these elements in images:

  • Competitor products or logos, for example, to compare product quality.

  • Design elements of Yandex pages, for example, an image of the search bar or the process of entering a search query or buttons that mimic the Yandex interface.

  • Goods and services that are prohibited or restricted for advertising by law (weapons, alcohol, narcotic and psychotropic substances, tobacco products, smoking accessories, gambling, and similar). Exception: you may use images of products similar in construction to weapons. For example, drawings of weapons in ads for games. Such images must not include violent scenes, including aiming at the user.

  • Pictures that convey an ambiguous message, are shocking, or provoke a negative response.

  • Realistic images of illnesses, medical procedures and operations, or military action.

  • Pictures with naked intimate body parts. Ads with acceptable images of sexual nature will be classified as adult content.

  • QR codes, due to potential security threads and data substitution options.

  • Images for advertising funeral services are not accepted.

  • Images that are strongly associated with fake news and similar tabloid content. Examples include before/after photos, naked depictions of sexualized body parts, and sexually suggestive poses or postures.

Image ads, HTML5 banners, and search banners

The banner must meet the following requirements:

  • For text:
    • Must contrast against the background and be easily readable (please avoid overly bright colors).
    • Must meet the same requirements as the ad text, except for the contact information. Phone numbers, addresses, and other contact details are allowed.
  • The banner image must meet the requirements for images.
  • All information required by law must be present on the banner, including age restrictions and notices. They must not be located in the upper part of the banner. The information must be clearly visible and easy to read.

In GIFs or HTML5, do not use rapid animations, flickering graphic elements, a flashing background, and images with a hypnotic effect. Frames should not change more than once every 2 seconds, and the time between switching frames should be sufficient to read all of the text shown in one frame. On the freeze frame, the banner must display the main advertising message.


Video clips must meet the following requirements:

  • Videos must meet the same requirements as images.

    Do not use rapid animations, flickering graphic elements, a flashing background, images with a hypnotic effect, and QR codes.

  • For audio:

    • The voice-over must be grammatically correct, high-quality, easy to understand, free of background noise and harsh or excessively loud sounds.
    • Must match the title, ad text, and content of the landing page.
    • Must be synced with the video.
  • If the video uses text:

    • It must be clearly displayed and placed on a contrasting background so that it doesn't blend in with other design elements.
    • Must meet the same requirements as the ad text, except for the contact information. Phone numbers, addresses, and other contact details are allowed.
  • All information required by law and the Yandex Ad Serving Rules must be present in the video, including age restrictions and notices.

    Exception: if you use videos in text ads, notices are added automatically.

Notices placed on top of other design elements must be shown in a bar to ensure high-contrast rendering.

Audio ads

Audio ads must meet the following requirements:

  • The audio must be high-quality, easy to understand, and free of background noise and harsh or excessively loud sounds (like shouting, shrill or dissonant sounds).

    The speech is grammatically correct and easy to understand, without any accent. Audio ads are accepted only in Russian.

    Do not use sounds that imitate traffic (for example, sirens, horns, and screeching brakes) because this may present a danger to those people who listen to your ad while driving.

  • Audio ads must include all information required by law and the Yandex Ad Serving Rules, including age restrictions and notices.

  • If an audio ad uses an image, notices and age restrictions must be placed on it. The image must meet the requirements for images.

Have questions?

Attention. Our customer service can help you with the campaigns created under the same login that you use to contact us. You can see your current login in the upper-right corner of the screen. Our team can access your data only when processing your request.

You can contact us from 10:00 to 19:00 (UTC+3) by phone:

Moscow: +7 495 139-21-13

Russian regions: 8 800 700-58-56 (toll-free within Russia)


To access campaigns, the customer service specialist will need your PIN.