Check DNS records

Attention. Wait 72 hours before checking your DNS records. DNS servers need this time to update their record data.

To avoid problems sending or receiving mail, make sure that your DNS records are configured correctly. You can do this using or any other dig utility.

  1. Specify your domain name (such as in the Hostnames or IP addresses field.

  2. In the Type field, select MX and click Dig.

The response should look like this:  20755 IN MX 10
If the server doesn't respond, the response doesn't match the request, or it contains too many records, the MX record wasn't properly configured. Follow the instructions to set it up.
Examples of incorrect responses and how to correct them
Response How to fix it  20755 IN MX 10  12345 IN MX 12 somevalue.somedomain.tld

Delete extra records, leaving only one with priority 10 and value 12345 IN MX 12 somevalue.somedomain.tld
Delete this record and set up a new one following the instructions.
The response is empty. Most likely, the record was not configured for your domain. Follow the instructions to set it up. If the record is configured but doesn't appear in the response, contact your hosting support.
Attention. Wait 72 hours before checking the DNS records again. DNS servers need this time to update their record data.