DKIM signature

With a DKIM signature, the email recipient can be sure a message actually came from the alleged sender. To set up a DKIM signature for emails sent from your domain, create a TXT record with a public signature key for your domain.

If you delegated your domain to Yandex servers, the DKIM signature with a public key is set up automatically.
  1. General instructions for configuring DKIM signatures

General instructions for configuring DKIM signatures

  1. Go to the Domains page.
  2. Click Add DKIM next to the domain name you want to add a signature for.

    If the required domain is not in the list, make sure it is connected and verified.

  3. Under Configure DKIM signature, copy the public key value for your domain.

  4. Log in to the domain (DNS zone) control panel on the website of your DNS hosting company.

  5. Create a TXT record with the following values (the field names may be different depending on the control panel):

    • Subdomain name (or Host): mail._domainkey. In some DNS management panels, you also have to specify the domain for the DKIM public key, such as mail._domainkey.yourdomain.tld.

    • Value: The public key text that you copied from the Configure DKIM signature section in the domain settings.

      For example, v=DKIM1; k=rsa; t=s; p=MIGfMA0GCSEBtaCOteH4EBqJlKpe...

    • If the TTL field is required, enter 21600.
  6. Wait for the changes to take effect. It may take up to 72 hours for DNS servers to exchange updated data about DNS records.