Edit documents

You can create and edit documents, tables, and presentations right on Yandex Disk.

The maximum size of files you can open in the editor is 30 MB.

The following file formats are supported:

  • Documents — DOCX.
  • Tables — XLSX.
  • Presentations — PPTX.
Attention. If you open a document in an older format (DOC, XLS, PPT) in the editor, Yandex Disk automatically creates a copy in the new format (DOCX, XLSX, PPTX). Only the copy is edited. The source document remains unchanged.

You can also work with all your documents in one place: Yandex Documents.

  1. Creating a document
  2. Using the editor
  3. Collaborating on documents
  4. Viewing the changelog

Creating a document

To create a new document, table, or presentation, click the Create button on the left panel and choose the file type. You can also create documents using the context menu.

If you already have a document to edit, open it from Yandex Disk or upload it from your computer.

Using the editor

Double-click a document to open it in the editor.

All changes are saved automatically. To close the document and return to the Yandex Disk folder, close the editor tab.

You can rename the file, download it, or send it to print. To see additional file management options, open the File menu.

Collaborating on documents

Documents on Yandex Disk can be edited by up to 40 users at the same time. To edit a document with friends or colleagues, share it:

  1. In Yandex Disk, right-click a document and select Share in the contect menu. You can also share the document from the editor page by clicking Manage access in the upper-right corner.
  2. Select an access type: View or Edit.
    Restriction. You can't set up personal permissions (to view only or view and edit files for different users) at the moment.
  3. Press Copy link and send it to your friends or colleagues however is convenient.

I can't share access right to edit files

If there is only the View but no Edit option in the access management window, this means collaborative editing is not available for this document yet.

Why this may happen:

The document is opened in the old editor

The new editor with the option for collaborative editing may not have been activated for this document yet. Close the document tab and try sharing it again.

The document is in an old format

DOC, PPT, and XLS files can only be opened for collaborative viewing. To edit these documents with your colleagues, first open it in the editor. A copy of the document in the new format will be created which you can then share.

The document is stored in a shared folder and its owner uses the old editor

Ask the owner of the folder that contains this document to share the link with permission to edit the file. This way, the new editor will be activated for them, and collaborative editing will be enabled. After that, you can also share the document.

Viewing the changelog

You can review the changelog for files you've edited.