Report an issue
If you can't find the information you need in Help or you're having issues with Yandex Browser, contact us. Describe in detail what happened and what you’ve done. If possible, attach a screenshot. so that we can help you faster.
To resolve an issue with Yandex services, please contact the support staff of these services:
Yandex Browser for desktop
If you have problems using the desktop version of Yandex Browser, you can contact us directly from from Browser: go to → Advanced → Report problem or fill out the form.
Yandex with Alice mobile app
If you have problems with the Yandex with Alice app, use the form to contact us.
Yandex Home page
If your question is about the Yandex Home page (for example, you want to change the theme, customize home page blocks or icons for services, and so on), contact us using this form. Select Question about Yandex Home page.
Yandex Mail
If your have questions about Yandex Mail (for example, how to disable ads, import messages from other mailboxes, restore deleted emails, or find messages in the Spam folder), use this form.
Yandex Search and search results
If you have questions about Yandex Search and search results (for example, about site ranking or invalid search results), contact us using this form.
Contact using the form
Send usage statistics
We're always striving to improve Yandex Browser and other Yandex services. If you want to help us, allow the browser to send usage statistics and crash reports to Yandex:
Go to Advanced.
Turn on Help improve browser.
Your data remain private because statistics are anonymous.