Search options
You can search for information online using the SmartBox, context menu, or voice search. Yandex Browser for Mobile also supports image search.
The SmartBox is the main element in Yandex Browser that you use to enter site addresses and search queries. The SmartBox is found in the lower part of the browser.
When you're browsing online, the SmartBox may disappear to allow more space for viewing websites. If you want to see it again, tap the bottom edge of the browser.
You can also add the SmartBox to the Android notification bar. To do this, go to Settings and enable Show Search in the notifications bar under Notifications.
To open the notification bar, swipe down from the top edge of the screen.
- Enter a search query or go to a website:
- Use the SmartBox to enter search terms, a URL, or the name of a website (you can use your voice or the keyboard to enter searches).
- Tap the enter button on the virtual keyboard.
Yandex Browser will automatically determine whether you want to see a website or search results.
- Icons in the SmartBox
: Clear the SmartBox.
: Refresh the page.
: Start voice search.
- Search suggestions
: Popular search terms (tap an option to put it in the SmartBox).
: Similar search terms (tap an option to put it in the SmartBox).
: Sites that you've already visited.
: Bookmarked sites.
Find on page
- Tap
in the browser (if you don't see the icon, press the menu button on your smartphone).
- Tap Find on page.
- Enter a word or phrase to search for.
The browser shows you all the matching words on the page. To navigate between them, use and
. To close the search, tap
on the left.
Text search
To get more information about something:
- Select a word or a phrase:
- Tap and hold to select a word.
- To select multiple words, tap the first word and then move the slider to the right.
- Tap Find in Yandex in the bar above the SmartBox.
The result will be shown in Yandex search results.
Image search
You can use Yandex Browser to find similar images or take a photo of an object and ask Alice what it is. Image search uses Yandex computer vision algorithms. Search results will show exact copies of your image and similar images. For example, similar images may be photos of kittens of the same breed.
To find images similar to:
- Tap and hold an image on a webpage.
- In the context menu, tap Find this image in Yandex.
Search results open in Yandex Images.
- Tap
in the browser (if you don't see the icon, press the menu button on your smartphone).
- Tap Search by image.
- Take a photo using your smartphone camera or tap
and select an image from the gallery.
Offline search
You can use offline search if you don't have internet access or turned on airplane mode.
Enter a search query. The browser selects the most relevant answers in the dictionary of the most popular search queries. These answers include contact numbers for emergency services and organizations, relevant data from Information cards and other sources. The dictionary is stored on your smartphone, it updates automatically over Wi-Fi and takes up 50–60 MB.
Offline search results consist of snippets that often already contain the answer. If you need more details, wait until you are online again and tap under the SmartBox to view online results.
To disable offline search:
- Tap
in the browser (if you don't see the icon, press the menu button on your smartphone).
- Tap Settings.
- Under More settings, tap Offline features.
- Disable Offline search.
This deletes the dictionary of search queries from the smartphone.