
The SmartBox is the main element in the Yandex Browser beta version that you use to enter addresses and search for information. The Yandex search engine is normally used to search for answers to your query. You can change your search engine if you want to. You can't disable or remove the SmartBox.

  1. Find an answer or go to a website
  2. Search sites with OpenSearch
  3. Change the search engine
  4. Copy or share the page URL
  5. What do I do if a webpage doesn't open?
  6. Keyboard shortcuts and mouse gestures for managing the SmartBox

Find an answer or go to a website

  1. Enter a search query, address, or name of a website in the SmartBox.
  2. Press Enter.

To open the home page of a site by clicking its domain in the SmartBox:

  1. Click   → Settings → Interface.
  2. Under SmartBox, select Use "domain > title" format for page addresses and Open home page of site when clicking the domain in SmartBox.

Search sites with OpenSearch

You can use the SmartBox to search on websites that support OpenSearch (such as To do this:

  1. Enter the site's name or address in the SmartBox. If the site supports OpenSearch, the text Press Tab to search [site name] appears on the right.
  2. Press Tab. You will see the site name appear on an icon in the left part of the SmartBox.
  3. Enter a search query.
  4. Press Enter.

To exit OpenSearch, click on the right side of the SmartBox.

How can I copy a URL when searching on OpenSearch sites?

When you search on a site that supports OpenSearch, the SmartBox displays your search query instead of the address of the open page. To see the page address, click the SmartBox and then the Copy button that appears.

If you want to always see the page address in the SmartBox:

  1. Click   → Settings → General settings.
  2. Under Search, deselect Show search queries in SmartBox when searching a site.
Note. You can enable or disable query display in the SmartBox only when the Interface → SmartBox → Use "domain > title" format for page addresses option is enabled.

Change the search engine

Attention. Your search engine will change in the SmartBox, on the Tableau, and in the context menu.
  1. Right-click the SmartBox.
  2. In the context menu, select Manage search engines...
  3. On the Search engine settings page, go to the Default search engine section and select the search engine from the list.
    Tip. If the search engine you want is not in the list, enter it manually:
    1. In the upper-right corner of the screen, click Add.
    2. In the window that opens, fill in the fields:
      • Name: enter the name of the search engine (for example, bing);
      • Keyword: enter the search engine address (such as
      • Link with the %s parameter instead of a query (for example,
    3. Click Add.
    4. Hover your mouse over the search engine you entered and click Make default.

Copy or share the page URL

Left-click the SmartBox, and the Copy and Share buttons will appear:

  • To copy a URL to your clipboard, click Copy.
  • To share a link with your friends, click Share and choose a social network or email address.
Disable the "Copy" and "Share" buttons
  1. Click   → Settings → Interface.
  2. Under SmartBox, deselect Show Copy and Share buttons.

What do I do if a webpage doesn't open?

If Yandex Browser can't open the page, it offers possible solutions:

  • If you entered the page address incorrectly, Yandex Browser will give you links to existing pages with similar addresses, or suggest searching for it in Yandex.
  • If the page was recently deleted, you can view a copy that Yandex cached.
  • If there were problems on the server side, you can view a cached copy of the page or search for it on Yandex.
  • If a Yandex service returned a 404 error (page not found), write to us.
How do I open a cached website?

To see a link to a cached website, click next to the site address.

Note. To save the cashed site, open it, click  → Advanced → Save. Select where to save it (your computer or Yandex Disk) and the file format — HTML or PDF.

Keyboard shortcuts and mouse gestures for managing the SmartBox

Hold down the right mouse button to perform gestures. Then release the button after you complete the gesture.

Keyboard shortcuts
Open the Tableau and put the cursor in the SmartBox

Ctrl + L

Alt + D


Go to the SmartBox and enable the default search engine

Ctrl + K

Ctrl + E

Select text in the SmartBox

Ctrl + L

Alt + D

Move cursor to previous word

Ctrl +

Move cursor to next word

Ctrl +

Delete word in front of cursor

Ctrl + Backspace

Delete the word after the cursor

Ctrl + Del

Add www. and .com to address and open URL

Ctrl + Enter

Mouse gestures
Open the Tableau and put the cursor in the SmartBox