Sending statistics automatically

For campaigns that last longer than three months, you can send statistics automatically. If you enable this feature, you can submit one invoice that covers the entire campaign period. Then, for every month of the reporting period, the data is sent to the state register automatically.

To enable statistic autosend, the following conditions should be met:

  1. A single invoice covers the entire campaign period.
  2. There's no exact end date for displaying ads.

How statistic autosend works


You can enable the autosend feature when creating an invoice, but only before you save it. You can't enable this feature for your existing invoices.

You can disable the autosend feature in an invoice, but we recommend that you think carefully before disabling it. If you do that, you won’t be able to send statistics automatically for this invoice again.

When creating an invoice, enable Statistic autosend in the Reporting period field. Starting from the second month, Adfox will generate an invoice named Statistic autosend and send the campaign impressions statistics from this invoice to the state register (ERIR) every month.

You can view your invoice on the Marking → Invoices page.


If the Statistic autosend invoice wasn't created, make sure that the following conditions are met:

1. For the campaign or banner, the option Submit data to state register has been selected in the Marking procedure field.

2. The final agreement is linked to the campaign.

3. The campaign hasn't been deleted and is active.

4. The parent invoice for which you've enabled automatic transmission of statistics was created and submitted.

To stop sending data, press Stop statistic autosend on the invoice page.

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