Action tracking points

Action tracking points are code installed on an advertiser's website that you can use to track user behavior.

You can configure action tracking with two parameters:

  • postClick: Click to an advertised site are counted.
  • postView: Banner views are counted.

Creating action tracking points

Step 1. Create an action tracking point

  1. Go to the Users → Advertisers tab. Next to the advertiser you're looking for, click  Action tracking points.

  2. Click + Add to create a single tracking point.

  3. Click ✓ Create a template to create a tracking point template. That lets you use an ad tag template rather than specific ad tags to insert action tracking points. The code itself determines its location on the site and will use the required action tracking point.


    Templates you create cannot be deleted or edited.

  4. Configure the action tracking point:

    • ID: This is the unique number of the action tracking point. It is generated automatically by the system. We do not recommend changing it.
    • Name: Required parameter. For example, it may correspond to the section name on pages where the action tracking point will be set.
    • Category: Needed to set up behavioral targeting. Only temporary categories can be assigned to action tracking points. Learn more about categories.
    • Template type: Standard or POSIX.2. Identifies the template you will use to set the site sections where this action tracking point will be located. Learn more about template types.
    • Referer template: Sets the position of the action tracking point on the site.
    • Size: The action tracking point parameter that sets the page value for the advertiser. For example, the size of the home page may be 1, while the size of the “thank you for your purchase” page may be 10. The size of the action point can be assigned arbitrarily, but it must be greater than or equal to 1. The recommended range of values is from 1 to 10.
  5. Click Add.

Step 2. Get the action tracking point tag

Open the action tracking point you created, go to the Ad tag tab, and copy the code. The code should be added to the advertiser's website in the body of the pages where you plan to place action tracking points.

Step 3. Enable action tracking

  1. Go to the Campaigns → Settings tab.
  2. In the Turn on tag drop-down list, select the analysis type: postView, postClick, or PostView and postClick.


The code only tracks users who went to the advertiser's site through a banner created in Adfox.


To view the tag readings, click  Reports next to the campaign and select the Action tracking points report. The report is available to advertisers by default.

Site owners can also view tag readings in the Advertisers → Action tracking points tab.

How action tracking points operate

Action tracking points record the last tracked user action on the site.

By default, postClick analysis is run within 24 hours of when a user clicks to the advertised site. For postView data, analysis is processed within seven days. Processing begins after the user sees the banner or 24 hours after the user clicks to the advertised site.

Example 1.

On the website, the user saw and clicked on a banner advertising a ski resort. Two actions happened at once: a view and a click. Since the user's last action was to click on the link, the action tracking points on the site register the postClick parameter.

If the user returns to the page within 24 hours of clicking through, for example, using the address bar of the browser, postView actions start registering.

Example 2.

On the first site, the user saw a banner and clicked on it. A postClick is recorded. After that, the user saw the same campaign banner on a different site, remembered the advertised site after a while, and visited it. In this case, postView actions will register even if it has been less than 24 hours since the user clicked through since their last action was viewing the campaign banner.

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