Answers to key questions about content

Yandex.Metrica for online publishers

See what materials are popular right now

Yandex.Metrica shows how content gains traffic and where readers come from in real time. Quickly understand which articles should be further promoted to attract even more traffic and which need more work so they can take off.

Learn how each material works

The number of pageviews and visitors, the percentage of traffic from mobile and desktop devices, and the average reading time are calculated for each article. See how people moved through texts: where they stopped reading, how many people read to the end, and how many just scrolled through.

Compare the impact of different authors

Author reports are coming soon. These will show which authors create the most read materials, whose articles are read to the end the most often, and which authors create the most engaging materials — authors whose materials people actively click through to other content.

Learn how your content works — free!

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Wed Oct 25 2023 16:52:49 GMT+0300 (Moscow Standard Time)