Yandex.Metrica Quick Setup

We'll create a Yandex.Metrica tracking tag for you and configure the basic settings — Session Replay and goals. Session Replay plays back recordings of user sessions on your site. Goals offer insight into how effective your site is, like how many customers are making online purchases.

What we set up

Yandex.Metrica tag
Collects site usage statistics. Find out how customers get to your site, what they are interested in, and how to increase the number of purchases, orders, or calls.
Session Replay
Records the actions of users on the site: how they moved the cursor, where they clicked, and how much they scrolled. Use these recordings to learn how to improve your site and help users find what they need.
Keep track of desirable user actions on your site. A goal might be a completed purchase or a click on the Contacts link. You can also use goals to bring back users who didn't finish the checkout process. We'll analyze your site and suggest the goals that you need.
Identify your active, loyal and target audiences, and discover audience dynamics and size. Working with audience segments will help you better understand your users and optimize your site to meet their needs.
Monitor essential metrics in customized reports on the effectiveness of traffic sources and landing pages. See the results of advertising and SEO in terms of conversions and revenue, and learn how effectively your landing pages are attracting customers.
Yandex.Metrica Quick Setup is for you if...
You are a small business owner just getting started with online promotion of products or services. The service is completely free of charge.

How it works

Submit a request
Fill out the request form and tell us what you need: a tracking tag, goals, Session Replay, or all of them at once. You can request everything at once.
Wait for verification
When your request passes verification, we complete the entire setup in the Yandex.Metrica interface within 1 business day.
All that's left is for you to make some changes to your site so that the settings will work. We'll send you an email with instructions.

Request your free Yandex.Metrica setup

Tell us about your business and your goals or challenges so that we can select the best settings for you.
*We'll verify your information and contact you promptly. Please wait for a reply about the verification results.
Sat Apr 01 2023 18:53:49 GMT+0300 (Moscow Standard Time)