Registration and liquidation of companies:re-registration, liquidation of companies, limited company formation, amendments to documents
Payment method:prepayment, postpay, cash, payment by card, electronic money, bank transfer, via sms, cash on delivery, installment, cashless payment, online, QR code, Fast payment system
Promotions:discounts, promotions, special offers, gifts
Legal entities services:transaction support, arbitration, contract law, debt collection, recovery of lost documents, legal business support, tax affairs
It is currently quite difficult to meet a good lawyer, as well as another specialist. After all, a certified specialist is just another indicator of a person who, due to his needs, has chosen a profession he likes. There are many professionals among lawyers who deserve respect.
Thank you very much for your help and for choosing you.
We would like to thank you for your professionalism and competence. Hired a year ago for a relative in a fraud case. They were able to prove their innocence. Very competent specialists.❤️