Public transport stops in Gebze
Gebze Tavşantepe 1
Gebze Tavşantepe 1
Business hours unknown
Public transport stop
Kocaeli, Gebze District, Pelitli Neighborhood, 4448th Street
Gebze Tavşantepe 2
Gebze Tavşantepe 2
Business hours unknown
Public transport stop
Kocaeli, Gebze District, Pelitli Neighborhood, 4448th Street
Burhanettin Elmas Parkı
Burhanettin Elmas Parkı
Business hours unknown
Public transport stop
Kocaeli, Gebze District, Pelitli Neighborhood, 4450th Street
Pelitli Cami
Pelitli Cami
Business hours unknown
Public transport stop
Kocaeli, Gebze District, Pelitli Neighborhood, 4448th Street
Maden Caddesi
Maden Caddesi
Business hours unknown
Public transport stop
Kocaeli, Gebze District, Pelitli Neighborhood, Pelitli Ataturk Avenue
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