An amazing place! Very beautiful. The most important thing is to complete the tourist route to the end. Many end their journey in the middle of the road, not wanting to get into the water. It's much cooler to rent a life jacket, special shoes and explore the gorge on your own. By the way, it is better to buy tickets for these services immediately at the entrance, because then it will be more expensive on the territory. Well, it's better to come here on your own, without guides who are constantly in a hurry.
The views are very beautiful, I wanted to get here and was upset that I couldn't take a camera with me. A lot of tips helped me from previous reviews, so I advise you to scroll down and read them too. I will write what I did not understand myself from them.
We arrived at the opening at 9 a.m. - 100% correct decision. The sun has not yet fallen (the way to the canyon, which are in the photos, is about 1.5 km on foot into the mountains). You can drive jeeps, it will be optimal. You can go down on foot, it's easier, there are beautiful views there too. But, accordingly, it will already be firing.
At the very entrance, we paid 1,030 lira for two people - that's 630 for entrance tickets (without extras) - that's about 10 dollars, and 400 lira for 2 waterproof phone cases. They can also be bought upstairs, in front of the entrance to the canyon itself. There is no need for it along the way. The prices are the same, what is at the bottom, what is at the top, before entering the canyon (you can buy tickets right away, most likely it will be free to enter the ascent / descent by jeep). 20dol. go boating, 35 dollars per person - take equipment (helmet, aquashouses, life jacket, wetsuit) and swim the whole cave yourself (we were told that with a ticket they would take us down in a jeep for free, but it's scary, it would be better to walk back too, going at high speed, and half a meter away already the cliff).
We decided that it was more interesting for ourselves, because they give you unlimited time and you can get to the end of the canyon yourself. Wetsuits were not taken, the cold water there is literally the first 5 meters, then it gets warmer. On the way back, she didn't seem so cold anymore. But one girl came after us, said her leg was cramped. If you know such a problem, then it's better to wear a wetsuit. The only advantage in the boat is that you can take your camera and take beautiful shots of the canyon. That's all.
First you need to swim 100 meters, so you can only take the phone in the case. Then there will be places where you can walk knee-deep / waist-deep in water, but periodically you will need to swim. And it's a little more traumatic, because there are places on the way where you can't swim calmly, because there are stones under your feet, and you won't pass, because it's too deep. We just got a couple of abrasions. My foot slipped and hit my knee, another time my foot slipped between two stones. The husband also hit his knee on a stone. All of this can be avoided, just be careful.
A very important fact: you can get into that canyon only in these two ways: either by boat or by swimming. You will have to pay for both methods, otherwise you will not get there in any way
We had a vacation a few years ago in Turkey, in a village near the canyon. We walked to it and walked to the waterfall. Great location, great views, accessibility, clean. There are many tourists with tents, as there is a hiking route through it. If you are vacationing nearby, be sure to take a walk there, it is easy to get from the nearest villages by bus.
Hello, everyone.
We visited the canyon on our own.
We had a rest in Goynuk and decided to go to the canyon on foot.
Yandex laid out a route and my son and I reached it from the hotel within an hour, through the town of Goynyuk.
Through the quiet and deserted streets, admiring the mountains, bright flowers and pomegranates hanging on almost every corner.
The road after the town goes along the right side of the Goynyuk River, through a pine forest and reaches almost the entrance to the canyon.
Entrance is paid - $ 5 / person.
This ticket gives you the right to stay on the territory of the reserve, to inspect it without time limit. Along the way along the canyon there are cafes, waterfalls, backwaters and mini dams.
The beach is landscaped, where we calmly swam twice in a mountain lake.
The water is cool but comfortable.
The road is gradually gaining altitude....
You will see a transitional hanging bridge over the abyss. We walked through it, took a photo and went on.
Nature in all its pristine beauty.
We reached the narrowest part of the canyon. Here you can buy an additional ticket and ride an inflatable boat with an instructor or swim with an instructor in vests, a helmet, and aquasocks along the canyon itself.
The ticket costs $35.
We didn't.
On the way back, we went to the beach again and swam in a mountain lake.
The total walking time was about 4.5 hours and the distance was 12 km.
I recommend visiting in the morning, it won't be so hot.
Take swimsuits and swimming trunks for swimming in a mountain lake.
Comfortable shoes are necessary, preferably sneakers, because the road is stone, mountainous.
Caps, water.
Diversify your beach vacation.
I put a star to attract attention.
The place itself is wonderful, picturesque view, well-groomed, but I want to draw attention to a huge minus that spoiled the mood: when we reached the canyon, a representative of the cafe met us and clarified our plans, offered a cafe and free swimming, we bought a boat tour of the canyon for $ 25 per person, which includes a transfer to the way back. The boat ride itself lasted 15 minutes, swimming from the boat is prohibited, keep in mind that you will only be taken in the canyon (for the first time it is very interesting, but fast). After that, we decided to refresh ourselves in a pond nearby, but the same girl from the cafe came up to us and said that bathing was paid or you had to buy something or pay $ 20... it wasn't even about money as such, but about information substitution: first, bathing was free, and then you either had to buy or pay. For us, there was a fundamental moment of such an attitude and we left, but it was unpleasant, since we paid for the entrance to the canyon itself, for boating and I do not understand what the problem of swimming in a public place is... at the ticket office of the park they said that they were not related to the cafe and could not regulate their actions, They are monopolists, they do what they want and set prices what they want.
The best place visited in this region. The purest water and turtles!
We immediately took the ascent and descent in a jeep, as well as a boat and did not regret it!
Climbing on foot, especially with children, is still a challenge. A narrow dusty path along which jeeps pass every now and then. It is frankly a pity for those who climb on foot, but they themselves wanted to save money.
The steepest place in Goyniuk, a walk to the canyon will take about 30-45 minutes, a distance of 2 km uphill. Shoes are better than trail shoes, but people also wear sandals. In summer, it is a cool place, thanks to the mountain river. On the way to the canyon, locals sell freshly squeezed pomegranate juice. Entrance to the canyon is paid 80 liras per person. At the entrance to the canyon you will be met by 5 peacocks, there they walk by themselves, if you take a loaf, they will be grateful. The baton is also very fond of geese that swim there in blue reservoirs. At the end of the route, you can try yourself in canyoneng. The Lycian Trail passes through the canyon.
Very beautiful views. If you are without children or children over 6-7 years old, then I recommend taking a tour of the canyon not by boat, but by swimming. I noticed that some skinny kids of primary school age were freezing in the water and shivering.
She took off one star for the fact that the paid tour on the zipline did not take place because the staff amicably closed for lunch, and asked them to wait in the heat while they ate - there was, of course, no sign about when they had lunch. But the cashier issued a refund very politely and without problems.
May 2024. The entrance to walk around the territory is 170 liras. Prices for the alloy in the photo. We got from Kemer by taxi for $ 20, for $ 40 they can wait for you for about two hours and take you back. We knew that we could take the city bus number 7.8, ask to stop at the stop closest to the canyon and then walk a few km. But they did not know how comfortable the road to the canyon was on foot, so they decided to take a taxi in that direction anyway. As soon as the taxi leaves the main road, the walking road itself begins, it seemed quite comfortable to us, so we walked back. We reached the main highway and raised our hands to stop a passing city bus 08. Pay the fare in lira when exiting the bus, stop in Kemer at the tower. In general, it is not so difficult to get there on your own, the second time we would go there on our own. The main thing is to take water and sun protection with you. It is written on the territory of the canyon that entry with food and drinks is prohibited, but no one checked the bags. Our water and nuts remained with us. The nature is beautiful and the walk was very pleasant.
While vacationing in Kemer, we went to the canyon for an excursion, we had a transfer, and we walked along the canyon ourselves, admiring the magnificent views of nature, breathing mountain air. The canyon is very beautiful, in some places it takes your breath away, there you can walk on suspension bridges, and at the end get on a boat and swim through the water in a mountain crevice, be sure to take a boat, without this trip, not a complete impression will be about the Canyon!
Обязательное место к посещению. Живописнейшие виды, несложный маршрут. Из ближайших к Кемеру «достопримечательностей» нам каньон понравился больше всего. Ездили сегодня (5 августа) сами, без экскурсии, на такси за 400 лир (16 долларов) из Кемера, пришлось торговаться, хотели 600-700. Лучше приезжать к открытию (9 утра), тогда почти нет людей. Мы брали вход вместе с каньонингом (по реке вплавь) за 30 долларов. В эту стоимость включен трансфер на большом джипе до точки «вплавь» и обратно. Но мы шли пешком, утром не так жарко, есть тень, подъем не сложный. Зато открываются красивые виды, веревочный мост. Удобнее всего в кроссовках или крепких босоножках, шлепки плохой вариант. С собой надо взять купальник. На месте есть магазинчики с едой и шлепками, одеждой, есть туалеты, раздевалка (для тех, кто вплавь). Так же обязательно купить водонепроницаемый чехол для телефона (продается по пути везде, даже на кассе), нам обошелся в 200 лир. Иначе вплавь с телефоном не получится. Есть, конечно, вариант с лодками, но они проплывают лишь половину пути. Вода холодная, но не так, чтобы сводило ноги, к ней привыкаешь, но настоятельно рекомендую гидрокостюм, в нем гораздо теплее будет (хотя он и короткий). Тапочки, шлем и каску выдают. Обратно в жару можно и на джипе спустится. У выхода стоят такси, так что можно спокойно обратно загрузится (вышли где-то в 12-13 часов дня). Это намного лучше, чем идти пешком до гейнюка до остановки, дорога от каньона открытая. Те, кто едут с экскурсией, ходят и плавают кучной толпой, так что самим интереснее. Ставлю месту 5 из 5.
Очень классное место, рекомендую как путишесвенник со стажем (более 30 стран)
Данная экскурсия подойдёт для людей в неплохой физической форме,для детей старше 5 лет (при условиях быстрой реакции, хорошей координации,а так же послушание)
Лодку брать не рекомендую,это бессмысленно, потому что она проходит менее половины маршрута. Если вы хотите взять лодку потому что испугались холодной воды,то не бойтесь,она самая холодная в начале маршрута,скоро вы одобтируетесь, дальше вода уже приятная. Советую всё же надеюсь гидрокостюм,у всех разная терморегуляция. Так же советую большую часть маршрута не стараться идти по дну,а плыть по сабачьи ,так вы избежите сталкновение с подводными глыбами. Будьте осторожны с черными камнями,они очень скользкие. Помните что вам предстоит подняться и спуститься по верёвочной лестнице , шириной около 25 см, длинной около 3-4 метров. В некоторых местах нужно проявить физическую силу. Так что рейтинг этого места от 10 до 45-50(при условиях хорошей физ подготовки) . Если будете дикарём,то берите много воды в дорогу. Перед входом в сам коньон есть еда. Типо шаурмы и всякие лепёшки. Одевайте ВСЮ экипировку,она так же защитит вас от солнца,нам повезло было облачно,но обычно там солнце,руки намажте кремом. А так же обувь с хорошим протектором, потому что до коньона даже если вы с экскурсией надо дойти и в некоторых местах в шлепках было очень сложно идти,спуск очень отвестный. При выходе из парка можно купить вкусное мороженое (которое продает чувак похожий на юлика 😂)
Думаю что дикарём тоже круто туда съездить. Джипы подбирают всех .
Есть раздевалки по 8 кабинок с лавочками внутри , намного лучше наших консервных банок.
Мы были 10 августа 2023 , остались в полном восторге.
Amazing beauty of the place! It seems that this is the most beautiful canyon that I have seen in my life. We rested in the village of Gainyuk, and reached the canyon on foot. there are 2 routes - through the village and along the main roadway. The road through the village is not difficult at all - there are no ascents, but there are nice private houses, it was nice to see a non-tourist Gaynuk. They paid 90 lire for the entrance. After lunch, closer to 16 o'clock, there is a very beautiful light in the canyon. The water is an unreal color! If you have bread with you, geese will just cling to you)) In general, a ton of photos are provided for you here. The way back was along the roadway, there was basically a descent down - it was easy to go. Along the way, you can taste delicious gozlem from a Turkish grandmother for 70 lira. Be sure to set aside a day to visit the canyon, to be nearby and not see this miracle is a crime)
Очень красивое место, безусловно стоит посетить. Легко можно добраться самостоятельно, вбив в навигатор Каньон Гейнюк, от Кемера 9 км. Вход платный, можно просто погулять, полюбоваться красотой, можно купить билеты на лодку и проплыть по Каньону. Плыть около 500 м. До лодки и непосредственно входа в Каньон (около 2 км от кассы) возят джипы, билет входит в стоимость лодки. Можно плыть самому в гидрокостюме, который можно взять на входе за отдельную плату. Плавают и маленькие дети, но вода холодная. У кассы и около лодок есть кафе (напитки, лепёшки, мороженое). Кассир сказал, что купаться просто так в озёрах нельзя, однако все купались, никого не выгоняли. Есть 2 тарзанки.
A beautiful and interesting canyon with a picturesque mountain river. We were here in February, so the cafes were open only those at the entrance. The passage is paid, but the price is symbolic. I recommend a visit, from the beginning to the end of the trail an hour and a half to walk.
Yes, this place is worth a visit, it's beautiful there. But don't repeat our mistake.: we went there in the terrible heat (+42C in the shade). No shade, no proximity of water saved. After walking a couple of kilometers at most, they just turned back. We will definitely come back here again, but in normal weather (preferably in April or October).
I've been to the Gainyuk Canyon twice. For the first time in 2020. It was a pandemic year, there were few tourists and I walked along the canyon almost alone. This year I decided to keep my girlfriend company and one fine windy morning, when the sea was not particularly suitable for swimming, we went on a mini-hike. We took a taxi from the center of Kemer for 400 rubles. Entrance ticket+ boat trip another 600 liras from each. Well, then a leisurely walk through a beautiful natural park. Beautiful views, fresh air with the scent of pine needles, the river, rocks - I liked all this last time. With endless stops for photos, we reached the place of rafting in an hour and a half, by the way, the way back down the hill took twenty-five minutes. Then they gave us life jackets, helmets on our heads and took us on an inflatable boat to a stone stuck in the rocks. Everyone writes that the most interesting thing begins later, but to be honest, I have no desire to get into cold water. There is also a photographer standing waist-deep in the water and taking photos of tourists, which can then be purchased.
I want to say that for vacationers in Kemer, the Goynuk Canyon is a great place to diversify your vacation.
The canyon is very beautiful. A walk along it is worth it, suitable for any level of training, even for the elderly and with children. It's better to walk than to drive. The views are beautiful, there are places to take pictures, benches for recreation, a spring to collect water. The cafe is only at the end of the canyon. Rafting for an additional fee.
Hikes to the Lycian Trail start from here.
For October 2023, the entrance is 90 liras.
I highly recommend it!!!
This is one of the best places in Kemer!
From the center of Kemer, 15 minutes by the 8th bus and you will be dropped off at the highway. Then about 3 km on foot and you get to the reserve!!
Pay for the passage ~ $ 3 and if you decide then for some other program…
After you climb the mountain, be sure to take life jackets + a thermal suit and swim yourself down the mountain river between the steep cliffs to the waterfall.
The water temperature is about 15-18 degrees.
It's an unforgettable experience!
But it is WITHOUT a boat (it is also possible there)…
The main thing is that there would be a waterproof phone case for beautiful photos..
The canyon is beautiful. Previously, you could admire it for free. And now on a boat or in a wetsuit- for money ((( And even plastered around with vulgar and unreasonably expensive ($ 2 for tea from a tea bag in a paper cup) cafes.
It's a great place, we've been there twice.
We need very comfortable shoes with thin soles and a headdress, because there are strong gusts of wind in the gorge.
It is better to take a car, so you will be taken immediately to the end point. You can walk back, because you will already know exactly how long to get there and you can safely admire the views.
It is a very beautiful place only in early June there are a lot of hornets that fly very close. We were afraid for the children who were with us. We turned around after 20 minutes. At other times of the year, the place is very red. We were just unlucky.
It was once my favorite place. However, the canyon was badly damaged. Three or four years ago, the nature there was almost untouched. A year ago, the riverbed was dug up at the very beginning, artificial rapids were made, the place was simply made commercial. But it's still nice there, the air is magical, it smells of pine needles and mountain freshness. The entrance fee (compared to two years earlier) was raised three times
The place is beautiful, but keep in mind the peculiarities of local taxes. The entrance fee is $ 5 per person, you will walk 2 km and the gorge (canyon) itself is inaccessible, pay another $ 25 for 15-20 minutes by boat, they will offer a wetsuit, corals and photos for 10 euros.
A picturesque place, interesting views, there are several restaurants near the rafting starting point, there are problems with the Internet due to the terrain, the trail and the entrance to the canyon are well-groomed, there is quite a little garbage. The very thing for outdoor enthusiasts
Красивый каньон, рекомендую к посещению для тех кто остановился в отелях в Бельдиби или Гейнюк.
Мы ездили с ребенком 3,5 лет из отеля на такси. Обратно также взяли такси, которое стояло на парковке.
С ребенком был план просто погулять, поэтому заплатили просто за вход. Ни джипы ни лодки не планировали. По итогу прогулялись до входа в каньон, минут сорок, передохнули и пошли обратно. Можно искупаться там в ледяной водичке, но у нас не было купальников.
Просто погулять тоже интересно. Кто хочет большего то можно и на лодке.
Наобратном пути нас и еще пару подвез джип, т.к. обратно он едет пустой. За что спасибо ему, обратно подустали конечно идти с ребенком.
Некоторые и с колясками гуляют по парку, но дороги там камни с песком, местами по речке перейти надо. Поэтому с колясками проблематично, лучше подождать пока ребенок сам уже будет в состоянии с вами покорять красоты))
Very interesting, fascinating views, clean but cold water. We went up by swimming and walking along the canyon to the waterfall, we had a lot of fun. We strongly recommend taking free wetsuits, it's very cold without them. We took a ride on a zipline, funny.
Good afternoon, I was with my wife in September of this year , we got there on foot since we lived 5 km from the canyon, the place is picturesque and very beautiful, we also moved along the canyon on our own , so in my opinion the water is cooler at the beginning of 16 degrees and deep , then warmer and shallower, by the way , you can get further on your own than by boat 👌🏾
A picturesque place. We walked from the bus stop without any taxis. Wear comfortable shoes and take water with you. It is better to visit the canyon by swimming, so you will see more. As a disadvantage, there is nowhere to leave things, even for money, they left the backpack at the place of the boat race, at their own risk, but everything seems to be fine...
Необыкновенно красивое место для прогулок. Но что бы попасть в сам каньон нужно заплатить или за прогулку на лодках ( красиво, но очень короткая), цена 20 евро с человека. Считаю сильно завышена. Или прям вплавь, дают гидрокостюмы, жилеты, каски. Стоимость не помню, но вроде дороже 20 евро.
Красивое место-и погулять и пофоткаться и полазить по самому каньону в ущелье.
Ехать туда лучше самостоятельно, а не с экскурсией: экономия денег + спокойно в своем темпе ходишь и смотришь что ты хочешь, а не ходишь табуном. На автобусе доезжать или до указателя Гейнюк каньон(обычно водители там останавливают, если им говоришь что тебе нужен каньон) -оттуда идти подальше но всегда по прямой не заблудитесь, но лучше доехать именно до деревни Гейнюк и идти через нее (обратно мы шли именно так и больше понравилось: попрохладнее+интересно посмотреть деревушку+ покушали в местой кафешке+быстрее).Вход просто в парк стоит 2 бакса. Мы брали каньонинг за 25-туда уже включен вход в парк+ подъем на машине наверх. Если Вы заплатите 2 бакса, подъем самостоятельно на машине и если наверху уже все же захотите взять каньонинг, то заплатите 25 баксов все равно)так что если думате брать, то лучше сразу брать внизу)по дороге к каньону дедушка делает свежевыжатые соки из апельсина и граната- оч вкусно. Есть еще трутий вариант- катание на лодке по каньону (возит специально обученный человек, не сами). Не очень интересно, проплываете только пол каньона...ну для взрослых и маленьких детей может и пойдет. Вода в каньоне прохладная-особенно в самом начале- вообще лед, дальше теплее. Не стесняйтесь одевайте гидрокостюм они там идут в комплекте , если очень мерзлявые
Замечательное место, красивое без экстрима , обязательное к посещению ! Есть режим работы и на лодочках не проехать если прийти позже 15:00. Пеший маршрут тоже очень доступный ( ходили с сыном 5 лет) катались на тарзанке ( ну … ….. нормально -лайтово) мы были 2 раза 😅 есть мини птичий зоопарк ))тоже плюсик
В каньоне красота, очень живописное место! Пешком идти по жаре тяжело, местами в гору, но если не торопиться, то можно спокойно идти, наслаждаться видами вокруг. На входе есть кафе, павлины ходят, курочки бегают, утки плавают. Лучше приезжать с экскурсией или на машине, т.к.пешком идти из ближайшего посёлка Гёйнюк все таки далековато. Зайти можно до 17.00, вход 2 доллара, в лирах дешевле.
The canyon is linear. The ascent was on foot, the road is dusty. There was little mountain water, because this year's season in Turkey was not rainy. A beautiful mountain lake is just at the beginning. When I got up to the finish line, it turned out that the canyon is linear and now I have to go back. I thought it was a "ring".
Honestly, I didn't really like the canyon. Sapadere Canyon is much more beautiful. There is much more beauty and the hiking route for tourists is better.
Sapadere - I advise you to visit.
Gainyuk Canyon - only if you are nearby. For me, Gaynyuk turned out to be completely uninteresting
A very beautiful place!
You can go boating, you can fly on a zip line, there are places where you can have a snack, buy water, but prices in such places bite
Сидите на пляже, не знаете куда деться от жары?! Есть решение - поехать в каньон Гёйнюк! Это горы, там во первых, прохладнее, во вторых безумно красиво, в третьих, это может стать шикарным приключением, если взять билет на лодку, ну а самое прикольное, на плавательный поход по каньону. Вода местами по макушку. Холодная (горная река), но в стоимость билета входит снаряжение - гидрак и спас жилет. Не пожалеете! Сама если еще раз поеду в Турцию, поеду туда еще раз.
Совет: возьмите с собой водонепроницаемый чехол для телефона или фотоаппарата. Фотографии в каньоне будут сногсшибательные! Я не брала и очень жалею об этом :)
Reviews about this place accidentally caught my eye. We read, mentally prepared and went. We lived in Adrasan, we rented a car. We drove 40 minutes to Goyniuk.
We reached the parking lot next to the cash register. The cashiers speak Russian.
We chose a zip-Line, a jeep ride and a dive into the canyon in a wetsuit. For two it came out 2900lir (the rate of $ 100-2600lir).
We walked about 200 meters, took pictures and went to the zipline. There we were put on uniforms and sent to the tower from where the first track passed. It was scary. ))) My husband went first, then I did. At the beginning of the launch, you fly face forward and see where, but then the wind comes and turns you around. That you are going forward with your back and do not know when the "landing" will happen. It's not very nice. And the impact during docking is quite noticeable for the back and neck.
Then crossing the rope bridge over the canyon to climb to the second point. From there you fly down, approximately to the place where I started the route.
Then you hand over your uniforms and go to the stop where jeeps stop, which will transport you to the descent to the canon with waterfalls. We decided to make the journey by car, so as not to drag ourselves uphill in the heat.
Near this bus stop, there are small shops and a playground with tables. You can have a snack, relax, take pictures.
We arrived at the canyon, went down a steep hill to the entrance. They offered to leave things in the storage room and go to the locker rooms to put on a suit.
The water is very cold, about +10 * So a wetsuit is a salvation. I was still wearing my hydro shorts and a T-shirt, it was not superfluous.
Coral slippers on his feet, a helmet and a life jacket on his head. They give out everything.
You go into the water and swim 20 meters, there is no bottom. A rope is stretched along the sheer cliff on the right. You can hold on to it and move around.
Then there will be shoals. And you walk up to your waist in water, then up to your ankles.
The views are amazing!
I forgot to add that I bought a phone case at the checkout so as not to be afraid of water. I took pictures only through him.
It so happened that we were the very first of the group, so many species were completely deserted. It was rare for someone to come across a meeting.
In general, the delight of the overhanging rocks, the beauty of the place, the bizarre coloring of the stone, amazing angles, eclipsed all the inconveniences of cold water.
We reached the end of the gorge and went back.
At the end, the fingers of the hands no longer obeyed)))
We happily changed into dry underwear and drove back in the jeep.
The trip was a success!
We are very glad that we have withstood the ordeal of water)) We received unforgettable emotions and joy!
I recommend it to everyone!
After the canyon we went to the local beach of Goyniuk. Clean, decent.
But for the city beach, 80 meters of coastline have been left. To the right and left are the sun beds of neighboring hotels.
The cost of a sunbed is 20 liras
Our beach in Adrasan is 100 times better!
Находясь в Бельдиби или Кемере, это самая доступная экскурсия. В принципе вы платите 10$ за доставку автобусом до стоянки снизу. До каньона ещё примерно 1.5-2 км. Там прохладнее чем на берегу и можно пройти до каньона в тени. Мы дошли до начала каньона, там прохладное горное озеро с чистой водой в которой можно искупаться, вода приятная примерно 20°С. Виды живописные, фото отличные! Озеро классное приятное! Чтоб идти внутрь каньона надо заплатить за лодку, не помню сколько, мы не платили.
Красота красивая. Туалет есть, парковка небольшая. Лучше в будний день, цена пешего маршрута 200 лир вроде. Длина пешего маршрута в гору около 2 километров. В конце маршрута организация которая за денги катает на лодках по каньону. Доехать до лодочного маршрута можно и на джипе, за деньги. Лодочные маршруты разные спокойные и по волнам
A beautiful place for tourists inexperienced by mountains.
Here is the beginning of the eastern part of the Lycian trail.
The most beautiful section of the canyon is visited for an additional fee, accompanied by local guides by boat or you can swim
Весьма живописном место, пока дойдете до водного участка уже насытитесь видами и глубиной. С детьми этот путь своеобразен, половину пути тащил на себе) Возле водного участка есть горное озеро, где могут искупаться те, кто не боится ледяной воды. Но на жаре это реально круто. А вот за остальное придётся платить(сплав по реке, канатные троллеи, трансфер, вход). Но сама природа - чарующая, советую посетить это красивое место.
Обязательно посетите, особенно если разместились неподалеку, например, в Кемере. Очень живописные места. Горы и вода - это всегда прекрасно! Предлагают экскурсии на джипах, но мы ходили самостоятельно, пешком, намного интереснее.
The place is just super! Worth a visit if you are somewhere nearby. If you get caught, don't take boats and stuff. Take a walk to the end of the canyon. You will need to walk, swim and climb the hinged stairs, but it's worth it, you won't regret it!
Отличное место для прогулки. Виды умопомрачительные. Тропа для прогулки 2 км. Обратно на пикапе можно запрыгнуть или снова пройти пешком.живые гуси, горная река, zip line, и прогулки по горной реке.
Огонь! Мы добирались пешком по руслу реки, там с левой стороны есть тропы. Не ожидал, что в шаговой доступности такая красота. Брать машину до каньона смысла нет. Во первых это не далеко, во вторых от входы в сторону каньона есть дорожка и впереди не пути переход по пешему мосточку, прогулка в удовольствие.
Добирались пешком с отеля в Гейнюке. Место обязательно стоит посетить, если есть такая возможность. Платили 20 долларов за вход с человека. В стоимость входит проезд до каньона на джипе и катание на лодке. Сам процесс катания на лодке занимает порядка 15 минут. Лучше посещать с самого утра, тогда можно все посмотреть с минимумом посетителей. Обратно спускались пешком с горы, чтобы всё рассмотреть
A beautiful place! There are no people at all in winter. The road is very comfortable, suitable for both the elderly and young children. Literally tame peacocks are walking at the entrance to the park 🦚
A wonderful place. I recommend it for a visit. We took a boat tour, we were taken by jeep to the waterfall. The waterfall is tiny, but the boat is very beautiful. Judge for yourself by the photo