Being on the same territory with the calcareous deposits of Pamukkale and the Cleopatra basin, Hierapolis is almost a must-visit if you are "brought" to those places. A large area with the remains of ancient ancient buildings, a beautiful Greek amphitheater and a museum, which contains sculptures, coins, etc. artifacts of those times, all this will interest lovers of antiquities. One thing is: it's very hot there in summer. High temperatures and scorching Sun can seriously complicate the acquaintance with the treasures of ancient civilizations.
The ancient city that housed the Roman Empire, one of the greatest nations in history, is now an incredible historical territory protected by the great Turkish Empire. There are also travertines of Pamukkale, which are geological structures that have been formed over thousands of years.
Before the trip, the tour operator told me to bring coral slippers, but the guards do not let me in any shoes, and barefoot is uncomfortable and dangerous. You need to take 1.5 - 2 liters of water, the prices there are cosmic. Staloctites are fascinating, very beautiful, but the divorce is visible to the naked eye: construction work is underway to restore and create antiquity with modern cement. Three hours for inspection is very short, you have to come here for the whole day.
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Level 27 Local Expert
September 27
The ancient "Holy City" was founded by immigrants from Ancient Greece. The period of Roman rule is the time of its heyday. The first buildings on the site of Hierapolis appeared in the II millennium BC. The king of Pergamon, Eumenes II, built a city on this site in 190 BC and named it Hierapolis. The city was subsequently destroyed by an earthquake and rebuilt. And in 133 BC, the city came under the patronage of Rome. The city played an important role in the spread of Christianity. In 90, one of the 12 apostles, St. Philip, was crucified upside down on a cross in it and died painfully. During the early Middle Ages (1097), Hierapolis (it was also called that) was transferred to the Turkish Sultan as a military compensation. Later, the polis, along with the nearby cities of Laodicea and Colossus, was a disputed territory and changed hands several times. The city will finally come under the rule of the Turks in 1210. The necropolis, the ruins of the temple of Apollo and the sanctuary of Pluto have also been preserved on the territory.
But the most impressive thing here is the Amphitheater. Antique, built during the reign of Roman emperors Hadrian and Septimius Severus. The amphitheater of Hierapolis boasts a rich history. Frequent earthquakes destroyed it more than once, so gradually they forgot about the theater, stopped restoring and using it for performances. Once it could accommodate from 10 to 12 thousand spectators. However, it owes its current appearance to the detailed reconstruction of the second half of the XX century. But, believe me, it was restored with the greatest attention to detail. Like that.
Everyone should visit here
I got there by plane from Istanbul
I rented a car at the airport, and returned it here before departure. Very convenient
Hierapolis cannot be expressed in words, you need to see and plunge into this atmosphere personally. You can get around everything in a day
History, nature, atmosphere
Обширный город, в котором есть музей/бассейн Клеопатры/амфитеатр. Приезжать лучше с утра, меньше туристов (в сезон их очень много)
Влад Кореневский
Level 8 Local Expert
June 4
Who has never been, it is worth visiting, and swimming in Cleopatra's pool. But before, as if it was cleaner (10 years ago), now the moss floats in the water.
Печально, что сделали с Памуккале:( но, факт то, что это все равно уникальное природное место. Посмотреть стоит. Остатки Иераполиса бедноваты, как по мне. Сохранилось немногое
Рядом с удивительным, неповторимым ландшафтом "Хлопкового замка" Памуккале, можно осмотреть то, что осталось от древнейшего города-курорта. Город Иераполис - объект Всемирного наследия ЮНЕСКО, основан во II веке н.э., пережил несколько землетрясений, не раз был разрушен и восстанавливался заново. Здесь находятся: один из крупнейших античных (римских) театров на территории Турции, крупнейший античный некрополь, руины нескольких храмов, руины древних бань. Историю христианства представляет Мартириум святого Филиппа, одного из 12 апостолов, принявшего смерть в этих местах. Отличное место! Эпохи, наслоившиеся друг на друга.
Поднявшись на самый верх театра, понимаешь всю величественность этого сооружения и суетность человеческой жизни. Именно отсюда открываются самые великолепные виды на долину!
Level 7 Local Expert
November 9, 2023
Beautiful ruins of the city, but it's better to take an electric car to go around everything, walking in the heat will be exhausting
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Level 17 Local Expert
November 13, 2022
интересное место с богатой историей (желаю Вам хорошего гида или посмотрите в интернете всю информацию), но превращено в очередную туристическую развлекалавку: повсюду кафе, разного рода бытовые постройки
всё это, конечно же, портит вид
Просто афигенное место....дух истории присутствует в каждом камне. Есть бассейн с тёплой, минеральной водой(кратер старого вулкана, как никак) и древними колоннами на дне, где по преданиям купалась сама Клеопатра...
Рядом с бассейном то, что осталось от старинного города Иерополис и самый большой амфитеатр на территории Турции...
Посещала руины Хиераполиса два года назад. Правда гид никакой был. Хорошо, что сама увлекаюсь древним миром и историю Хиераполиса знала неплохо. Замечательное место.