General terms and conditions for Yandex.Market Services

Date of placement: 22.04.2022

Effective Date: 20.04.2022

The acceptance and compliance with the terms and conditions set forth in these “General Terms and Conditions for Yandex.Market services” (“General Terms and Conditions”) by the Customer is obligatory condition for provision of Yandex.Market Services.

Terms and Definitions

CTR (Click-Through Rate) — the ratio of the number of Clicks to number of Impressions.

Rate/Price per Click (rate) — cost per Сlick, established by the Customer and/or by Yandex.

Search results — all pages of information resources (websites) displayed to users on the Internet or in application programs (including programs for mobile devices) containing (displaying) a list(s) selected by the search engine of links to documents and/or network resources on the Internet and/or to Materials that meet the user's search query.

Product card — a page of Yandex.Market Service that contains a description (specifications) of goods.

Product micro card — a banner with the image, name of product, specified range of prices for the given product, other information about the product, including a link addressing the User to the Product card. Micro product card can be displayed on the search results pages of Yandex.Market Service, in the ads’ block above the search results of Yandex Search Service and other pages of Yandex resources.

Store offer card — a page of Yandex.Market Service, containing product offers of the Customer in the form of a banner, which can include an image and other information (name of product, name of the Customer's store), a Link sending the user to the informational resource (site) in the Internet (the Customer's site/store) with the address (URL) specified by the Customer (the Link to the Customer’s site may be absent, when a local trade offer (banner) is displayed for the User from a different Region). The pages with store offers card may also contained certain elements (demagnified images) of other materials including the materials displayed by other customers.

Local product offering — Customer’s product offering whose location is the same as the User’s region.

User's region — the alleged geographic region of User’s location specified by Yandex in automatic mode or region of the location set by the User on Yandex website.

Regional product offering — the Customer’s product offering, for which he specifies geographic regions (countries, cities, districts) of delivery other than its shop-location.

The Materials — a set of Product offerings (Online product offerings and Offline product offerings) provided by the Customer, informational and reference materials, containing information about the range, prices, characteristics, availability for sale of products offered in the Customer’s store to potential buyers in the current period, information about the location of the Customer’s retail outlets, images, descriptions and other information about Product offerings and the store.

Online product offering — product offer that the User may order / purchase on the Customer's store website.

Offline product offering — product offer that the User may purchase at Customer's retail outlet.

1. Locations

Materials, provided by the Customer, can be shown on the Locations specified in this section of the Terms.

1.1. Locations — at search results

  • at Yandex.Pictures- up to 5 Product offerings

1.2. Locations — card of product on Yandex.Market Service:

1.2.1. Block “Online Stores” (but for the categories with special conditions of location*) — up to 6 “Online” Product offers;

1.2.2. Block “Online Stores” in the categories with special conditions of location* — all “On-line” product offers.

* Categories with special conditions of location are listed in the document titled ‘Requirements to the Data Transmission Format and Method’ published at

1.2.3. Blocks “Stores”, ««Look at the map»» — up to 3 Offline product offerings with reference to the point of location on a map at the corresponding address of location of the Customer's retail outlet.

1.3. Locations:

1.3.1. pages “Prices” on Yandex.Market Service — all Online product offerings.

1.3.2 “Product offering by default” block (in some cases, it may contain the mark “Make a Market Order” or “Special offer”) — 1 The Product offering):

• within the Product card on the Yandex.Market Service — on the left side of the page below the price on the Product card;

in the "Features", "Prices", "Map", "Opinions", "Reviews", "Discussions", on the page “Average price” sections of the Product card on the Yandex.Market Service — on the right side of the page; on special page with the image of the product on the left side of the page.

Display of “Product offering by default” block is not guaranteed and shall be performed at the discretion of Yandex.

1.4. Locations:

  • Yandex.Market Service search results pages — all Online product offerings.

1.5. Locations:

  • Yandex.Market Service pages not listed in paragraphs 1.1 — 1.4 — all Product offerings.

1.6. Locations:

1.6.1. “card merchandise insert” block on Yandex.Search Service pages — up to 5 product offerings.

1.6.2. “search merchandise insert” block on Yandex.Search Service pages — up to 4 product offerings (when such block is displayed to the right of the search results of Yandex.Search Service pages — up to 9 product offerings).

The “card merchandise insert” and “search merchandise insert” blocks are displayed at Yandex’s discretion and, therefore, is not guaranteed to be available.

1.7. Locations:

  • pages of “Stores”, «Look at the map» of Yandex.Market Service — all Product offerings with reference to the point of location on a map at the corresponding address of location of the retail outlets selling the advertised product and/or the point of customer pick up of the advertised goods.

1.8. Locations:

  • Store offer card — one Customer’s product offer “Online” (banner).

1.9. Product offerings that may be displayed at the Locations listed in clauses 1.2, 1.3, 1.4, 1.5, 1.7 may be also displayed in Yandex widgets (Widgets) on partner’s sites (, as well as on sites and/or in programs of Yandex and/or third parties using “Yandex.Market Content API” (, subject to the terms (including prices) of displaying the Materials provided for in this document for corresponding Locations listed in Clauses 1.2, 1.3, 1.4, 1.5, 1.7. The number and the selection (without changes of the sorting methods provided by the service «Yandex.Market Content API») of Product Offerings displayed on pages of sites using “Yandex.Market Content API” may differ from that specified in Clauses 1.2, 1.3, 1.4, 1.5, 1.7.

1.10. Certain elements of the Materials (images, product descriptions, prices and ranges of prices), offered by the Customer, may be displayed in Product micro card, Store offer card, Product card and mobile applications of Yandex, other materials of Yandex.Market Service, including those posted on other Internet resources.

1.11. Locations:

  • Pages «Selection and/or reviews of products» of Yandex.Market Service.

1.12. Locations:

  • Picture Preview page (image preview window) on Yandex.Picture Service.

1.13. Locations:

  • The application "Advisor of Yandex.Market" (Yandex.Adviser) and other applications of Yandex or its affiliates, including applications for mobile devices.

2. Terms and conditions of the displaying of Materials

2.1. Displaying of Product offerings on the Locations specified in paragraphs 1.1, 1.4, 1.6, 1.7, shall be subject to availability of the appropriate user's search query words/phrases ( the “Key word”) used in the name of the Product offering or in the name of the category of goods of “Yandex.Market” Database to which this Product offering belongs. At the Locations indicated in paragraphs 1.1, 1.6, only local and regional Product offerings shall be displayed.

2.1.1. Displaying of Product offerings in accordance with paragraph 2.1 of the General Terms and Conditions may also be effected where the word/ phrase, specified in the paragraph 2.1, is substituted by its synonym, colloquial equivalent, equivalent in foreign language (including reproduced by means of transliteration), other interpretation of this word/phrase given by Yandex).

2.2. Product offerings are selected for displaying at the Locations specified in Clause 1.1 in descending order of CTR. Selected Product offerings are placed in descending order of CTR.

2.3. Selection of Product offerings for displaying at the Locations specified in paragraphs 1.2.2, 1.2.3, 1.12 and determination of the ordinal position is carried out in descending order CTR. Selection of Product offerings for displaying at the Locations specified in paragraph 1.6.2. and determination of the ordinal position is carried out in descending order CTR taking into account the relevant criteria of Product offerings.

2.3.1. Displaying of Product offerings at the Locations, specified in paragraph 1.6.2., is carried out as follows: selected Product offerings are displayed from the left to the right in descending order of CTR taking into account the relevant criteria of Product offerings. Displaying of Product offerings at the Locations specified in paragraph 1.6.2. is carried upon a condition that such Product offering contains an image of the product.

2.4. Selection of Product offerings for displaying at the Locations specified in clause 1.6.1. and determination of the ordinal position is carried out in the following order:

2.4.1. The Product offerings with the best CPM ratio influenced by Price per Click and CTR.

2.5. The Product offerings selected as described in p. 2.4.1 shall be placed at the Locations specified clauses 1.6.1. in the descending order of CPM and in accordance with the relevance criteria established by Yandex.

2.6. However, the Product offerings to be displayed at the Locations specified in paragraphs 1.3.2 and 1.11. shall be selected with the relevance criteria established by Yandex.

2.7. Product offerings are displayed at the Locations specified in clauses 1.2.1 and 1.3.1 in the descending order of Range, which is affected by the exact Location (specified in clause 1.2.1. or 1.3.1. respectively), the CTR , the appeal of the Product offering to the User.

If the Range is the same for several Product offerings, such Product offerings are sorted/shown at random in relation to each other.

2.7.1. When Product offerings displayed at the Locations specified in clauses 1.2.1 and 1.3.1 are shown according to the sort mode chosen by the user (sorted by: availability and price; rating and price; price, etc.) or filtering, the rule of selection of Product offerings specified in clause 2.7 may not apply.

2.8. Selection of Product offerings for displaying at the Locations specified in Clause 1.4, shall be based on the rules specified in Clause 2.1, as well as filtering mode, selected by the User to display search results, or determined automatically relying on the user’s search request.

The ranking of impression of Product Offerings is defined in accordance with the relevance criteria established by Yandex and in view of CTR.

2.8.1. For the first four pages of search results (with the exception of search results in the “Stores” of Yandex.Market Service), the following rule shall additionally apply: on limitation of the number of Product offerings of a single store — at a rate of no more than 5 Product offerings. Once 5 Product offerings of each store located according to the corresponding request are displayed (provided that a specified amount of Product offerings is less than the amount of Product offerings placed on the first four pages of search results), the ranking of impression of Product offerings is determined in accordance with the rule set forth in the first subparagraph of this paragraph. In case where Product offerings that appear on the Locations specified in 1.4 are shown according to user-selected sorting criteria (by the price, popularity, originality, etc.), the above rule for determining the ordinal position of Impression of Product offerings does not apply.

2.8.2. At the Locations specified in clause 1.4 may not be displayed Product offerings for which there is a Product card.

2.8.3. Product offerings may not appear on the Locations specified in clause 1.4 in compliance with Yandex relevance criteria if the User selected sorting the price.

2.9. Product offerings display’s ranking on the Locations specified in Clause 1.5 shall be determined in accordance with relevance criteria established by Yandex.

In case where Product offerings, which appear on the Locations specified in Clause 1.5, are shown according to user-selected filtering mode (by the price, popularity, originality, etc.), the above rule for determining the ranking position of Product offerings display does not apply.

2.10. At concurrence of a Key word, and other factors specified by the Customer for the various Product offerings of relevant store for displaying at the Locations specified in paragraphs 1.1., 1.2.1., 1.2.3., 1.6 only one Product offering will be chosen: a) for displaying at the Locations specified in paragraphs 1.1. whose multiplication of CTR and Price per Click is the best, and b) for displaying at the Locations specified in Section 1.2.1, 1.2.3, 1.6 in which the Price per Click is the highest.

2.11. When determining the ranking position of impression of the Product offering at all Locations except those mentioned in the next sentence the following rule further applies: all Local Product offerings have a higher priority over the Regional Product offerings. When determining the ranking position of impression of the Product Offering at the Locations specified in clauses 1.2.1, 1.3.1, and 1.4 (except for the said Locations displayed on the mobile app "Yandex.Market" for operating systems Android, iOS, Windows Phone), the above rule shall apply, if the “Offerings from My Region Come First” option is selected.

2.12. Selection of Product offerings for displaying at the Locations specified in Clause 1.7 and determination of the ranking position is carried out in descending order of CTR. At the same time, when selecting the Product offerings, the rule on limitation of the number of Product offerings of a single store on the same page further applies — not more than two Product offerings.

2.13. In the Locations specified in 1.6., the ranking of impression of Product offerings at the Locations specified in 1.6. shall be determined in accordance with the following rules:

  • The selection of Product offerings shall be in descending order of the multiplication of CTR and Price per Click. Selected Product offerings are placed in descending order of CTR. Product offerings with the best performance will get in Guaranteed places.

The product offerings on the Locations specified in 1.6. are displayed at the discretion of Yandex either to the right of search results or below search results.

2.14. Product offerings may not appear on the Locations specified in Clauses 1.6 since on some queries they may be displaced by Yandex.Direct advertisements.

2.15. If CTR of the Product offering on any Key word is below 0.1% Yandex has the right to suspend or terminate the displaying of this Product offering for such Key word at the Locations specified in paragraphs 1.1, 1.6.

2.16. Additionally to the conditions stated in Clauses 2.13 and 2.15 herein, the following rule applies:

If the Links in the Yandex.Direct advertisement and Yandex.Market Product offering lead to the same information resource (website) / domain on the Internet, only the advertisement or only the Product offering, whose multiplication of CTR with Price per click is the best, will be shown on the Locations specified in paragraphs 1.6.

2.17. Conditions of displaying the Materials on the Locations specified in Clauses 1.2.2 and 1.8:

2.17.1. The product offers displayed in the Locations specified in 1.2.2 are displayed in compliance with the conditions set forth in the document titled ‘Requirements to the Data Transmission Format and Method’, published at and being an integral part of these General Terms and Conditions.

2.17.2. Selection of Product offerings for displaying on the Locations specified in Clause 1.2.2 and determination of the ranking position is carried out in descending order of CTR.

2.17.3. Product offerings displayed on the Locations specified in Clause 1.2.2 are shown according to default options or selected by the User’s product descriptions (size, color, etc.). Only Products offerings corresponding in full to the default options or the User selected descriptions are displayed.

2.17.4. When Product offerings are displayed on the Locations specified Clause in 1.2.2 according to the User selected sorting mode (price, most viewed, most recent), the rule of defining the ranking position, specified in Clauses 2.15.2 — 2.15.3, is not applied.

2.17.5. The Product offerings on the Locations specified in Clause 1.8 are displayed according to Yandex relevance criteria.

The Product offerings on the Locations specified in Clause 1.8 may be displayed only if the Customer provides the Materials including images and descriptions corresponding to the Product offerings.

2.18. Product offerings will be displayed on the Locations stipulated in these General terms and conditions alongside display to the User of other components of the Materials provided by the Customer, relating to a corresponding Product offering (descriptions, images, etc.).

2.19. The display of separate elements of the Materials (images, descriptions) provided by the Customer on the Locations specified in Clause 1.10 is not guaranteed and may vary according to Yandex relevance criteria.

2.19.1. When displaying the Product offering at Locations specified in paragraphs 1.3.1. and 1.3.2., Yandex does not guarantee appearance of the Link sending the user to the informational resource (site) the Internet (the Customer's site/store) with the address (URL) specified by the Customer.

At the same time, the Link redirecting the User to the informational resource (site) in the Internet (the Customer’s site/store) with the address (URL) specified by the Customer can be available on the Locations specified in cl. 1.3.1 only by clicking the “To the Store” button.

2.19.2. Selection of Product offerings for displaying at the Locations specified in paragraph 1.3.2. shall be performed from among Product offerings Online only.

2.20. Selection of Product offerings for displaying at the Locations specified in clause в 1.13, and their sorting is carried out on a basis of the relevance criteria established by Yandex.

2.21. Subject to the terms and conditions set forth in the document titled ‘Requirements to the Data Transmission Format and Method’, published at and being an integral part of these General Terms and Conditions, any Product Offer may be displayed in the Locations specified in 1.2.2 along with information on the discount rate applicable to that particular product offer and the following warning text: “The discount percentage was calculated automatically”.

2.21.1. Information on the discount rate can be shown under the terms posted at page.

When the Customer provides discount information as per cl. 2.21 of the General Terms and Conditions, it agrees that the Service can show to Users the history of price changes for the relevant Product offerings of the Customer.

2.210.2. Yandex shall be entitled to disconnect the Customer from the discounts display functional in case of a single infringement of the terms of the document "Advertising Requirements" (

2.22. The Customer agrees the Materials advertising media products, printed matter, audiovisual production on all types of media, programs for computers (computer software) and databases, as well as information made available through entertainments, information and telecommunication networks, including Internet, and mobile telephone communications network shall contain the age restriction notification — 18+, 16+, 12+, 6+, 0+.

The category of the content shall be determined by the Advertiser independently during the Materials production. If the Customer fails to select a category for Materials with relevant content, the Materials shall be automatically assigned to the 18 + category. The assignment of the Materials to the relevant category shall be performed on the basis of automatic identification of Product offering category. The Customer is entitled at any time to change the category by sending the relevant data in accordance with the procedure stated in the «Requirements to the Data Transmission Format and Method» posted in the Internet at or via the customer support service at, if the Customer considers the Materials not to be the subject to age categorization. The Customer is obliged to inform the customer support service at of the need of age restriction, if the Materials were not automatically assigned to age category (including the cases when the Materials age category is not displayed because of incorrect identification of Product offering category). The Customer is responsible for the proper determination of the Materials age category and mandatory placement of age restriction notification in the Materials with the relevant content.

2.23. The Materials advertising medicines, including treatment methods, medical items and also biologically active supplements, as well as the Ads of the items constructively similar to arms in terms of article 1 of the Federal Law “On Arms”, shall be accompanied by the following standard warnings:

"Contraindications. Consult your doctor" — for advertising of medicines, including treatment methods, medical equipment;

"It is not a medicine" — for advertising of biologically active supplements;

"Constructively similar to arms" — for advertising of the items constructively similar to arms.

The above warnings shall be added to the advertisements automatically by determining the subject of such advertisements.

The Customer shall ensure that subjects of the advertisements are determined properly and the required warnings are unfailingly added to the advertisements with relevant subjects.

In accordance with the Federal Law “On Advertising”, the Materials, advertised objects of which are the products to be used as a substitute for breast milk, and the products included in the child's diet during its first year of life, shall be accompanied by a warning, such as “Please consult a specialist. For the nutrition of children of ________ (designation of age limit ranging from 0 to 12 months)”.

The determination of age limits for the use of such products shall be conducted by the Customer. If the Customer has not chosen the age category for Materials advertising the relevant product, the Materials shall be automatically accompanied by a warning, such as “Please consult a specialist. For the nutrition of children of 11+ months”. Accompanying the Materials with the relevant type of warning shall be conducted by the automatic determination of the Product offering category. The Customer shall have the right to change the age limit at any time, with passing the relevant data in the manner prescribed by the document "Requirements to the Data Transmission Format and Method" (

2.24. Display of Product offerings at Locations specified in paragraph 1 hereof may contain the mark "Advertisement".

2.25. When clicking at the Link provided by the Customer, the technical parameter «ymclid = ________» may be automatically added indicating the unique identifier of the Click made.

2.26. Features of displaying Product offerings from the categories listed at in "Moscow" User's region.

2.26.1. Product offerings shall be selected and ranked for display at the Locations specified in clause 1.3.1 of the General Terms and Conditions in the manner stipulated by clause 2.4 of the General Terms and Conditions.

2.26.2. If Product offerings displayed at the Locations specified in clause 1.3.1 are shown under the sorting mode chosen by the User (sorting by: availability and price; rating and price; price, etc.), the rule of Product offering selection specified in clause 2.26.1 shall not apply

The conditions stipulated herein shall not apply to the Places of Impression specified in clause 1.9 of the General Terms and Conditions.

2.27. Specifics of displaying the Product offers from "Medicines and medical items" categories in "Russia" User's region.

The Product offers from "Medicines and medical items" categories shall not be displayed in the Locations specified in clauses 1.1, 1.6, 1.9, 1.11, 1.12 of the General Conditions.

2.28. The Product offerings will be displayed on the Locations specified in clause 1.12 subject to automatically determined conformity of the image in the viewing window to the image provided by the Customer for its Product offering to be placed. Displaying the Product offerings on the Locations specified in clause 1.12 is not guaranteed. The Product offerings will be selected for displaying on the Locations specified in clause 1.12 on a basis of the relevance criteria established by Yandex. The image containing in its viewing window the Customer’s Product offering will be marked with a special sign in the search results of Yandex.Picture service. When displaying the Product offering in the viewing window, Yandex does not guarantee conformity of the image in the viewing window to the image displayed in the Product offering of the Customer.

2.29. When the Materials are provided, the Customer can be enabled to automatically correct:

  • upper case words (using Caps Lock),

  • HTML tags with symbols (punctuation marks, etc.)

which it makes to create Materials to be displayed on the Locations specified herein. This functionality is enabled by default.

By using this functionality, the Customer agrees to be held liable for compliance of the content of the Materials it created using it with legislative requirements, including requirements of advertising laws. Yandex does not guarantee error-free operation of this functionality and its fitness for the Customer’s goals and expectations.

The Advertiser may cancel upper case words correction, if it believes that an ad text was wrongly corrected. If this is the case, the Customer may contact the help desk via the feedback form at:

2.30. Displaying of Product offerings on any Locations specified in these Terms is carried out only on the condition that the total time of displaying of Product offerings of the Customer is not less than 40 hours per week on working days.

3. Prices

3.1. The Customer sets the Rate per Click at its own discretion subject to the provisions hereof, provided that the Rate per Click to be set by the Customer may not be lower or higher than the Rate as defined pursuant to Clause 3.2 of these Terms and Conditions. If the Rate per Click set by the Customer is lower or higher than the Rate, the Rate per Click so set by the Customer shall be deemed equal to the Rate as defined pursuant to Clause 3.2 of these Terms and Conditions and shall automatically be increased or be lowered to such Rate.

3.2. The Rate per Click shall be calculated automatically by Yandex no more frequently than once a day and its value shall be advised to the Customer in the Web Interface. The Customer shall be solely responsible to monitor any such changes.

3.3. Rate per Click Effective Time

The Rate per Click shall become effective on the time the Yandex.Market Database is updated.

3.4. If a User clicks on a Link that is an image of the telephone number submitted by the Customer for the purposes of the Materials, or presses the 'Show Telephone" button which triggers display of the respective phone number, a coefficient of 1 shall apply to the Rate per Click defined in accordance with Clauses 3.1 — 3.2 hereof.

3.5. The Click on the Store offers card is free of charge (this exception is not applied to the Clicks on Links within the Store offers card).

3.6. Minimum order amount — 10 c.u.

4. Miscellaneous

4.1. The Automatic Broker sets the Rate per Click for all Locations every time a Product Offering is displayed at the rate as defined pursuant to Clause 3.2 of these Terms and Conditions.

The Customer agrees to the use of the Automatic Broker and to the Rate per Click set by the Automatic Broker.

4.1.1. If the Customer uses any services of Yandex or third parties that allow to control (including automatically) Rates / Prices per Click and/or use any other relevant functionality, the Customer acknowledges that all actions performed by such service users, who had got the access to the respective functionality via the Customer’s login and password on Yandex’s website, are considered to be performed by the Customer.

Yandex does not provide any warranties regarding operability, effectiveness and functionality of such services as well as their fitness for the Customer’s purposes and expectations.

4.2. When displaying the Product offering on mobile devices, a Link to the page “Stores”, «Look at the map» section may be inserted in the materials of Yandex.Market Service or a link to the contact page “Make a call” of Yandex.Market Service. When the user clicks a Link to the contact page “Make a call”, only the contact telephone number of Customer's store may be shown to the user.

4.3. Yandex processes the actions, performed by the Customer through client web interface (or via API), and by means of sending YML files, related to the location of the Materials within the following term:

  • change of Rate per Click — from 3 to 10 hours (the average time of procession is 4 hours);
  • termination of Product offerings display, replacement of the list of Product offerings and other actions — from 3 to 10 hours (the average time of procession is 4 hours).

4.4. When the Product offering displaying stops, the Services are suspended from the moment the action was processed by Yandex. During this period the Clicks are paid according to the Rate per Click set as defined pursuant to Clause 3.2 of these Terms and Conditions.

1 c.u. (conventional unit) equals to:

- 0,56 USD / 0,45 EUR / 0,53 CHF — until April 01, 2015.

- 0,41 USD / 0,39 EUR / 0,41 CHF — since April 01, 2015.

4.5. Customer acknowledges that due to technical issues beyond the control of Yandex, the services as described hereinabove may not be provided by Yandex or not in the form intended by Yandex. Yandex declines any liability for non performance of the services except for cases of proven gross negligence of Yandex. The maximum claim of Customer is limited to the to the sum under certain Invoice actually paid by Customer to Yandex for the Services in dispute.

4.5.1. In case of Customer's consent with the option "Participation in the program of development of the Market" (by activating the option in the Client’s Web Interface) descriptions of Product offerings for displaying at the Locations may be automatically enriched with the information on the basis of the content of the web site to which the Customer establishes a Link from the Materials. The customer shall be solely responsible to monitor the compliance of the Product offerings formed according to the option with legislative requirements, including requirements of advertising laws, the legislation on consumer protection, competition law.

4.6. In order to improve the quality of Yandex.Market system and its services, and to develop new offers for the advertisers, Yandex may periodically carry out experiments. In the course of such experiments, Product offerings displayed to certain Users randomly selected by Yandex may be displayed on the Locations subject to modified conditions of the displaying of Product offerings including but not limited to selection and arrangement of Product offerings on the Locations specified in these General Terms and Conditions, as well as on Locations not specified in these General Terms and Conditions. While carrying out an experiment, Yandex does not guarantee that each and every Product offerings will be displayed according to the order of placing Product offerings on Locations and according to selection conditions and other provisions set and specified in these General Terms and Conditions. However, the experiments will not affect the Price per Click established by the Customer in accordance with these General Terms and Conditions. Payment for the Services shall be carried out subject to the Price per Click established in accordance with clause 3 of these Terms. Any information about such experiments shall be made available to the Customer upon the request sent to the customer support service using the feedback form at specifying the grounds of the request and the number of relevant advertising campaign.

4.7. The Customer may be given the opportunity to perform additional settings/strategies of displaying of Product offerings and additional functionalities to control the placement of Product offerings through the Client’s Web Interface. Applying the appropriate settings/strategies or starting to use the corresponding functionality, the Customer agrees with the terms of their application/usage specified in the Client’s Web Interface.


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