Error codes and statuses

  1. 400 Bad Request
  2. 403 Forbidden
  3. 404 Not Found
  4. 405 Method Not Allowed
  5. 406 Not Acceptable
  6. 409 Conflict
  7. 410 Gone
  8. 413 Payload Too Large
  9. 415 Unsupported Media Type
  10. 422 Unprocessable Entity
  11. 429 Too Many Requests
  12. The status of verifying the right to manage the site (ApiVerificationState)
  13. Rights verification methods (ApiVerificationType)
  14. Explicit methods of rights verification (ApiExplicitVerificationType)
  15. Reasons for refusal to verify site management rights (ApiVerificationFailReason)
  16. Source of the Sitemap file (ApiSitemapSource)
  17. Type of Sitemap file (ApiSitemapType)
  18. Site indexing status (ApiHostDataStatus)
  19. Indexing indicators (ApiIndexingIndicator)
  20. Query indicators (ApiQueryIndicator)
  21. Query sorting order (ApiQueryOrderField)
  22. Indicators of external links (ApiExternalLinksIndicator)
  23. Reindexing request status (RecrawlStatusEnum)
  24. Issue categories on the site (SiteProblemSeverityEnum)
  25. State of the issue (ApiSiteProblemState)
  26. Type of site issue (ApiSiteProblemTypeEnum)
  27. HTTP status codes received by the robot during indexing (IndexingStatusEnum)
  28. Site page status in search results (ApiSearchEventEnum)
  29. The reason why the page was excluded from the search results (ApiExcludedUrlStatus)
  30. RSS feed upload modes (PagesLoadMode)
  31. RSS feed upload mode filter (TaskTypeFilter)
  32. Status of the RSS feed upload task (LoadStatus)

400 Bad Request


The request body validation failed.

  "error_code": "ENTITY_VALIDATION_ERROR",
  "error_message": "some string"
Parameter Description
error_code Error code.
error_message Error message.
Parameter Description
error_code Error code.
error_message Error message.

Invalid parameter passed.

  "error_code": "FIELD_VALIDATION_ERROR",
  "error_message": "explicit error message",
  "field_name": "some string",
  "field_value": "some string",
  "error_message": "explicit error message"
Parameter Description
error_code Error code.
field_name Field.
field_value Value.
error_message Error message.
Parameter Description
error_code Error code.
field_name Field.
field_value Value.
error_message Error message.
Wrong URL was passed.
  "error_code": "INVALID_URL",
  "error_message": "some string"
Parameter Description
error_code Error code.
error_message Error message.
Parameter Description
error_code Error code.
error_message Error message.

403 Forbidden


The action is unavailable because the application doesn't have the necessary permissions.

  "error_code": "ACCESS_FORBIDDEN",
  "error_message": "explicit error message"
Parameter Description
error_code Error code.
error_message Error message.
Parameter Description
error_code Error code.
error_message Error message.

The OAuth token is missing or invalid.

  "error_code": "INVALID_OAUTH_TOKEN",
  "error_message": "explicit error message"
Parameter Description
error_code Error code.
error_message Error message.
Parameter Description
error_code Error code.
error_message Error message.

The ID of the user who issued the token differs from the one specified in the request. In the examples below, {user_id} shows the correct uid of the OAuth token owner.

  "error_code": "INVALID_USER_ID",
  "available_user_id": 1,
  "error_message": "Invalid user id. {user_id} should be used."
Parameter Description
error_code Error code.
available_user_id ID of the user who allowed access.
error_message Error message.
Parameter Description
error_code Error code.
available_user_id ID of the user who allowed access.
error_message Error message.

You have to accept the User agreement.

  "error_code": "LICENCE_NOT_ACCEPTED",
  "error_message": "some string"
Parameter Description
error_code Error code.
error_message Error message.
Parameter Description
error_code Error code.
error_message Error message.

The number of sites in the user's site list exceeded the limit (the current limit is 1703).

 "error_code": "HOSTS_LIMIT_EXCEEDED",
 "limit": 1,
 "error_message": "explicit error message"
Parameter Description
error_code Error code.
limit The limit on the number of added sites.
error_message Error message.
Parameter Description
error_code Error code.
limit The limit on the number of added sites.
error_message Error message.

404 Not Found


The resource at the requested path does not exist.

  "error_code": "RESOURCE_NOT_FOUND",
  "error_message": "some string"
Parameter Description
error_code Error code.
error_message Error message.
Parameter Description
error_code Error code.
error_message Error message.

The site isn't indexed yet.

  "error_code": "HOST_NOT_INDEXED", //errorCode. 
  "host_id": "", //id хоста. host id. 
  "error_message": "some string" //Error message. 
Parameter Description
error_code Error code.
host_id ID of the requested site.
error_message Error message.
Parameter Description
error_code Error code.
host_id ID of the requested site.
error_message Error message.

The site data isn't uploaded to Yandex.Webmaster yet.

  "error_code": "HOST_NOT_LOADED",
  "host_id": "",
  "error_message": "some string"
Parameter Description
error_code Error code.
host_id ID of the requested site.
error_message Error message.
Parameter Description
error_code Error code.
host_id ID of the requested site.
error_message Error message.

Site management rights are not verified.

  "error_code": "HOST_NOT_VERIFIED",
  "host_id": "",
  "error_message": "some string"
Parameter Description
error_code Error code.
host_id ID of the requested site.
error_message Error message.
Parameter Description
error_code Error code.
host_id ID of the requested site.
error_message Error message.

The site is not in the list of the user's sites.

  "error_code": "HOST_NOT_FOUND",
  "host_id": "",
  "error_message": "explicit error message"
Parameter Description
error_code Error code.
host_id ID of the requested site.
error_message Error message.
Parameter Description
error_code Error code.
host_id ID of the requested site.
error_message Error message.

The Sitemap for the site wasn't found.

  "error_code": "SITEMAP_NOT_FOUND",
  "host_id": "",
  "sitemap_id": "c7-fe:80-c0",
  "error_message": "some string"
Parameter Description
error_code Error code.
host_id ID of the requested site.
sitemap_id The Sitemap file ID.
error_message Error message.
Parameter Description
error_code Error code.
host_id ID of the requested site.
sitemap_id The Sitemap file ID.
error_message Error message.

The Sitemap file is missing.

  "error_code": "SITEMAP_NOT_ADDED",
  "host_id": "",
  "sitemap_id": "c7-fe:80-c0",
  "error_message": "some string"
Parameter Description
error_code Error code.
host_id ID of the requested site.
sitemap_id The Sitemap file ID.
error_message Error message.
Parameter Description
error_code Error code.
host_id ID of the requested site.
sitemap_id The Sitemap file ID.
error_message Error message.

Failed to find a task with the specified ID.

  "error_code": "TASK_NOT_FOUND",
  "error_message": "some string"
Parameter Description
error_code Error code.
error_message Error message.
Parameter Description
error_code Error code.
error_message Error message.

405 Method Not Allowed

The HTTP method is not supported for this resource.

  "error_code": "METHOD_NOT_ALLOWED",
  "error_message": "explicit error message"
Parameter Description
error_code Error code.
error_message Error message.
Parameter Description
error_code Error code.
error_message Error message.

406 Not Acceptable

The content types passed in the Accept header are not supported.

  "acceptable_types": [
    "some string", ...
  "error_message": "explicit error message"
Parameter Description
error_code Error code.
acceptable_type List of supported content types.
error_message Error message.
Parameter Description
error_code Error code.
acceptable_type List of supported content types.
error_message Error message.

409 Conflict


The URL was already added for reindexing.

  "error_code": "URL_ALREADY_ADDED",
  "error_message": "some string"
Parameter Description
error_code Error code.
error_message Error message.
Parameter Description
error_code Error code.
error_message Error message.

The site with the specified address is already added to the user's sites list.

  "error_code": "HOST_ALREADY_ADDED",
  "host_id": "",
  "verified": false,
  "error_message": "some string"
Parameter Description
error_code Error code.
host_id The site ID.
verified Indicates if the site rights are verified.
error_message Error message.
Parameter Description
error_code Error code.
host_id The site ID.
verified Indicates if the site rights are verified.
error_message Error message.

The rights verification process is in progress.

  "verification_type": "META_TAG",
  "error_message": "some string"
Parameter Description
error_code Error code.
verification_type The verification method being processed ( ApiExplicitVerificationType ).
error_message Error message.
Parameter Description
error_code Error code.
verification_type The verification method being processed ( ApiExplicitVerificationType ).
error_message Error message.

The text you added earlier.

  "error_code": "TEXT_ALREADY_ADDED",
  "error_message": "some string"
Parameter Description
error_code Error code.
error_message Error message.
Parameter Description
error_code Error code.
error_message Error message.

The Sitemap was already added.

  "error_code": "SITEMAP_ALREADY_ADDED",
  "sitemap_id": "c7-fe:80-c0",
  "error_message": "some string"
Parameter Description
error_code Error code.
sitemap_id The Sitemap file ID.
error_message Error message.
Parameter Description
error_code Error code.
sitemap_id The Sitemap file ID.
error_message Error message.

410 Gone

Resource unavailable

  "error_code": "UPLOAD_ADDRESS_EXPIRED",
  "valid_until": "2016-01-01T00:00:00,000+0300",
  "error_message": "some string"
Parameter Description
error_code Error code.
valid_until The date and time until which the URL for task creation is available.
error_message Error message.
Parameter Description
error_code Error code.
valid_until The date and time until which the URL for task creation is available.
error_message Error message.

413 Payload Too Large

The file size exceeds the limits.

  "error_code": "REQUEST_ENTITY_TOO_LARGE",
  "error_message": "some string"
Parameter Description
error_code Error code.
error_message Error message.
Parameter Description
error_code Error code.
error_message Error message.

415 Unsupported Media Type


The content type in the request is not supported.

  "supported_content_types": [
    "some string", ...
  "error_message": "explicit error message"
Parameter Description
error_code Error code.
supported_content_type List of supported content types.
error_message Error message.
Parameter Description
error_code Error code.
supported_content_type List of supported content types.
error_message Error message.

The request encoding type is not supported.

  "supported_content_encodings": [
    "some string"
  "error_message": "some string"
Parameter Description
error_code Error code.
supported_content_encoding List of supported encoding types.
error_message Error message.
Parameter Description
error_code Error code.
supported_content_encoding List of supported encoding types.
error_message Error message.

422 Unprocessable Entity

The passed text is too short or too long.

  "max_length": 1,
  "min_length": 1,
  "actual_length": 1,
  "error_message": "explicit error message"
Parameter Description
error_code Error code.
max_length Maximum length.
min_length Minimum length.
actual_length The length of the text in the request.
error_message Error message.
Parameter Description
error_code Error code.
max_length Maximum length.
min_length Minimum length.
actual_length The length of the text in the request.
error_message Error message.

429 Too Many Requests


The daily quota for requests was exceeded.

  "error_code": "QUOTA_EXCEEDED",
  "daily_quota": 1,
  "exceeded_until": "2016-01-01T00:00:00,000+0300",
  "error_message": "some string"
Parameter Description
error_code Error code.
daily_quota The maximum number of requests per day.
exceeded_until Time when the new quota starts.
error_message Error message.
Parameter Description
error_code Error code.
daily_quota The maximum number of requests per day.
exceeded_until Time when the new quota starts.
error_message Error message.

Too many requests sent.

  "error_code": "TOO_MANY_REQUESTS_ERROR",
  "daily_quota": 1,
  "exceeded_until": "2016-01-01T00:00:00,000+0300",
  "error_message": "some string"
Parameter Description
error_code Error code.
daily_quota The maximum number of requests per day.
exceeded_until Time when the new quota starts.
error_message Error message.
Parameter Description
error_code Error code.
daily_quota The maximum number of requests per day.
exceeded_until Time when the new quota starts.
error_message Error message.

The status of verifying the right to manage the site (ApiVerificationState)

Status Description
NONE Verification wasn't completed and rights are not confirmed.
VERIFIED The rights are verified.
IN_PROGRESS The rights verification is in progress.
VERIFICATION_FAILED Verification was performed but rights are not confirmed.
INTERNAL_ERROR An unexpected error occurred when verifying the rights.
Status Description
NONE Verification wasn't completed and rights are not confirmed.
VERIFIED The rights are verified.
IN_PROGRESS The rights verification is in progress.
VERIFICATION_FAILED Verification was performed but rights are not confirmed.
INTERNAL_ERROR An unexpected error occurred when verifying the rights.

Rights verification methods (ApiVerificationType)

Verification method Whether a verification check can be requested Description
AUTO No Automatic rights verification (deprecated; only for * sites).
DELEGATED No Rights were delegated.
DNS Yes Verifying rights with the DNS record.
HTML_FILE Yes Placing an HTML file in the site's root directory.
META_TAG Yes Adding a metatag to the header on the site's main page.
PDD No Rights verification via Yandex.Mail for Domains.
TXT_FILE No Placing a text file in the site's root directory.

Verifying data with information provided by the WHOIS service.

This method works only for second-level domains (such as

Verification method Whether a verification check can be requested Description
AUTO No Automatic rights verification (deprecated; only for * sites).
DELEGATED No Rights were delegated.
DNS Yes Verifying rights with the DNS record.
HTML_FILE Yes Placing an HTML file in the site's root directory.
META_TAG Yes Adding a metatag to the header on the site's main page.
PDD No Rights verification via Yandex.Mail for Domains.
TXT_FILE No Placing a text file in the site's root directory.

Verifying data with information provided by the WHOIS service.

This method works only for second-level domains (such as

Explicit methods of rights verification (ApiExplicitVerificationType)

Verification method Whether a verification check can be requested Description
DNS Yes Verifying rights with the DNS record.
HTML_FILE Yes Placing an HTML file in the site's root directory.
META_TAG Yes Adding a metatag to the header on the site's main page.

Verifying data with information provided by the WHOIS service.

This method works only for second-level domains (such as

Verification method Whether a verification check can be requested Description
DNS Yes Verifying rights with the DNS record.
HTML_FILE Yes Placing an HTML file in the site's root directory.
META_TAG Yes Adding a metatag to the header on the site's main page.

Verifying data with information provided by the WHOIS service.

This method works only for second-level domains (such as

Reasons for refusal to verify site management rights (ApiVerificationFailReason)

Reason for refusal Description
DELEGATION CANCELLED Delegation of site management rights was canceled.
DNS_RECORD_NOT_FOUND The specified DNS record doesn't exist.
META_TAG_NOT_FOUND The meta tag is missing in the site's main page header.
PDD_VERIFICATION_CANCELLED Verification of site management rights via Yandex.Mail for Domain isn't allowed for this site.
WHOIS_EMAIL_NOT_FOUND The specified email address is missing in the WHOIS record for this site.
WRONG_HTML_PAGE_CONTENT The HTML file content is set incorrectly.
Reason for refusal Description
DELEGATION CANCELLED Delegation of site management rights was canceled.
DNS_RECORD_NOT_FOUND The specified DNS record doesn't exist.
META_TAG_NOT_FOUND The meta tag is missing in the site's main page header.
PDD_VERIFICATION_CANCELLED Verification of site management rights via Yandex.Mail for Domain isn't allowed for this site.
WHOIS_EMAIL_NOT_FOUND The specified email address is missing in the WHOIS record for this site.
WRONG_HTML_PAGE_CONTENT The HTML file content is set incorrectly.

Source of the Sitemap file (ApiSitemapSource)

Source Description
ROBOTS_TXT Sitemap is specified in the site's robots.txt file.
WEBMASTER The user added the Sitemap in Yandex.Webmaster.
INDEX_SITEMAP Sitemap found in another (index) Sitemap file.
Source Description
ROBOTS_TXT Sitemap is specified in the site's robots.txt file.
WEBMASTER The user added the Sitemap in Yandex.Webmaster.
INDEX_SITEMAP Sitemap found in another (index) Sitemap file.

Type of Sitemap file (ApiSitemapType)

Type Description
SITEMAP Normal Sitemap file that contains the URLs of site pages.
INDEX_SITEMAP The Sitemap index file that contains the URLs of other Sitemap files.
Type Description
SITEMAP Normal Sitemap file that contains the URLs of site pages.
INDEX_SITEMAP The Sitemap index file that contains the URLs of other Sitemap files.

Site indexing status (ApiHostDataStatus)

Source Description
NOT_INDEXED The site isn't indexed yet.
NOT_LOADED The site data isn't uploaded to Yandex.Webmaster yet.
OK The site is indexed. The data is available in Yandex.Webmaster.
Source Description
NOT_INDEXED The site isn't indexed yet.
NOT_LOADED The site data isn't uploaded to Yandex.Webmaster yet.
OK The site is indexed. The data is available in Yandex.Webmaster.

Indexing indicators (ApiIndexingIndicator)

Indicator Description
SEARCHABLE Pages in the search.
DOWNLOADED Downloaded pages.
DOWNLOADED_2XX Pages downloaded with a 2XX code.
DOWNLOADED_3XX Pages downloaded with a 3XX code.
DOWNLOADED_4XX Pages downloaded with a 4XX code.
DOWNLOADED_5XX Pages downloaded with a 5XX code.
FAILED_TO_DOWNLOAD Failed to download.
EXCLUDED Excluded pages.
EXCLUDED_DISALLOWED_BY_USER Excluded at the request of the resource owner (4XX codes or prohibited in robots.txt).
EXCLUDED_SITE_ERROR Excluded due to a site error.
EXCLUDED_NOT_SUPPORTED Excluded as not supported by the Yandex robots.
Indicator Description
SEARCHABLE Pages in the search.
DOWNLOADED Downloaded pages.
DOWNLOADED_2XX Pages downloaded with a 2XX code.
DOWNLOADED_3XX Pages downloaded with a 3XX code.
DOWNLOADED_4XX Pages downloaded with a 4XX code.
DOWNLOADED_5XX Pages downloaded with a 5XX code.
FAILED_TO_DOWNLOAD Failed to download.
EXCLUDED Excluded pages.
EXCLUDED_DISALLOWED_BY_USER Excluded at the request of the resource owner (4XX codes or prohibited in robots.txt).
EXCLUDED_SITE_ERROR Excluded due to a site error.
EXCLUDED_NOT_SUPPORTED Excluded as not supported by the Yandex robots.

Query indicators (ApiQueryIndicator)

Indicator Description
TOTAL_SHOWS The number of displays.
TOTAL_CLICKS The number of clicks.
AVG_SHOW_POSITION The average position of the display.
AVG_CLICK_POSITION Average click position.
Indicator Description
TOTAL_SHOWS The number of displays.
TOTAL_CLICKS The number of clicks.
AVG_SHOW_POSITION The average position of the display.
AVG_CLICK_POSITION Average click position.

Query sorting order (ApiQueryOrderField)

Indicator Description
TOTAL_SHOWS The number of displays.
TOTAL_CLICKS The number of clicks.
Indicator Description
TOTAL_SHOWS The number of displays.
TOTAL_CLICKS The number of clicks.

Reindexing request status (RecrawlStatusEnum)

Indicator Description
IN_PROGRESS The request is being processed.
DONE The robot crawled the URL
FAILED The robot failed to crawl the page. Make sure it is accessible to the robot and the server responds fast enough.
Indicator Description
IN_PROGRESS The request is being processed.
DONE The robot crawled the URL
FAILED The robot failed to crawl the page. Make sure it is accessible to the robot and the server responds fast enough.

Issue categories on the site (SiteProblemSeverityEnum)

Indicator Description Note
FATAL Fatal errors. Checks the server connection, site availability for indexing, security and compliance with Yandex guidelines.

This may lead to excluding individual pages or the entire site from search results.

We recommend monitoring these errors and fixing them as soon as possible.

CRITICAL Critical issues. Checks the presence and validity of the SSL certificate, the number of broken internal links, and the server response time.
POSSIBLE_PROBLEM Possible issues. Checks the Sitemap and robots.txt file validity, settings for displaying non-existent files, the number of duplicate pages, the presence of redirects, annoying ads, and so on. May affect the quality and speed of site indexing.
RECOMMENDATION Recommendations. Usually includes suggestions for improving the site's ranking in search results. Use them to improve the site's ranking in search results.
Indicator Description Note
FATAL Fatal errors. Checks the server connection, site availability for indexing, security and compliance with Yandex guidelines.

This may lead to excluding individual pages or the entire site from search results.

We recommend monitoring these errors and fixing them as soon as possible.

CRITICAL Critical issues. Checks the presence and validity of the SSL certificate, the number of broken internal links, and the server response time.
POSSIBLE_PROBLEM Possible issues. Checks the Sitemap and robots.txt file validity, settings for displaying non-existent files, the number of duplicate pages, the presence of redirects, annoying ads, and so on. May affect the quality and speed of site indexing.
RECOMMENDATION Recommendations. Usually includes suggestions for improving the site's ranking in search results. Use them to improve the site's ranking in search results.

State of the issue (ApiSiteProblemState)

Indicator Description
PRESENT Present on the site.
ABSENT Missing.
UNDEFINED Not enough data to determine if there are issues.
Indicator Description
PRESENT Present on the site.
ABSENT Missing.
UNDEFINED Not enough data to determine if there are issues.

Type of site issue (ApiSiteProblemTypeEnum)

Indicator Description
DISALLOWED_IN_ROBOTS The site is prohibited for indexing in the robots.txt file.
DNS_ERROR Failed to connect to the server due to a DNS error.
MAIN_PAGE_ERROR The site's home page returns an error.
THREATS Security threats or issues were detected.
SLOW_AVG_RESPONSE_TIME Slow server response. For more information, see .
SSL_CERTIFICATE_ERROR Invalid SSL certificate settings. For more information, see the help section.
BAD_ADVERTISEMENT Ad formats do not comply with IAB Russia recommendations.
DOCUMENTS_MISSING_DESCRIPTION Many pages do not have the Description meta tag.
DOCUMENTS_MISSING_TITLE The title element is missing on many pages.
ERROR_IN_ROBOTS_TXT Errors in the robots.txt file.
ERRORS_IN_SITEMAPS Errors found in the Sitemap file.
MAIN_MIRROR_IS_NOT_HTTPS The site's main mirror doesn't use the HTTPS protocol We recommend using the HTTPS protocol. For more information and instructions on switching protocols, see the help section.
MAIN_PAGE_REDIRECTS The main page redirects to another site.
NO_ROBOTS_TXT The robots.txt file wasn't found.
NO_SITEMAPS The Sitemap files used by the robot are missing.
NO_SITEMAP_MODIFICATIONS The Sitemap files haven't been updated for a long time.
NON_WORKING_VIDEO The robot failed to index videos on the site.
SOFT_404 The display of non-existent files and pages is configured incorrectly.
TOO_MANY_DOMAINS_ON_SEARCH The site subdomains are found in the search results.
TOO_MANY_PAGE_DUPLICATES Too many duplicate pages.
FAVICON_PROBLEM The favicon file was not found. The robot failed to load an image file to display in the browser tab and next to the site name in the search results. For more information about this error and how to fix it, see the help section.
INCOMPLETE_SPRAV_COMPANY_PROFILE Yandex.Directory contains incomplete information about the organization.
NO_CHATS Chats on Search are missing.
NO_METRIKA_COUNTER Yandex.Metrica tag error.
NO_REGIONS The site region isn't set.
NOT_IN_SPRAV The site isn't registered in Yandex.Directory.
NOT_MOBILE_FRIENDLY The site isn't optimized for mobile devices.
Indicator Description
DISALLOWED_IN_ROBOTS The site is prohibited for indexing in the robots.txt file.
DNS_ERROR Failed to connect to the server due to a DNS error.
MAIN_PAGE_ERROR The site's home page returns an error.
THREATS Security threats or issues were detected.
SLOW_AVG_RESPONSE_TIME Slow server response. For more information, see .
SSL_CERTIFICATE_ERROR Invalid SSL certificate settings. For more information, see the help section.
BAD_ADVERTISEMENT Ad formats do not comply with IAB Russia recommendations.
DOCUMENTS_MISSING_DESCRIPTION Many pages do not have the Description meta tag.
DOCUMENTS_MISSING_TITLE The title element is missing on many pages.
ERROR_IN_ROBOTS_TXT Errors in the robots.txt file.
ERRORS_IN_SITEMAPS Errors found in the Sitemap file.
MAIN_MIRROR_IS_NOT_HTTPS The site's main mirror doesn't use the HTTPS protocol We recommend using the HTTPS protocol. For more information and instructions on switching protocols, see the help section.
MAIN_PAGE_REDIRECTS The main page redirects to another site.
NO_ROBOTS_TXT The robots.txt file wasn't found.
NO_SITEMAPS The Sitemap files used by the robot are missing.
NO_SITEMAP_MODIFICATIONS The Sitemap files haven't been updated for a long time.
NON_WORKING_VIDEO The robot failed to index videos on the site.
SOFT_404 The display of non-existent files and pages is configured incorrectly.
TOO_MANY_DOMAINS_ON_SEARCH The site subdomains are found in the search results.
TOO_MANY_PAGE_DUPLICATES Too many duplicate pages.
FAVICON_PROBLEM The favicon file was not found. The robot failed to load an image file to display in the browser tab and next to the site name in the search results. For more information about this error and how to fix it, see the help section.
INCOMPLETE_SPRAV_COMPANY_PROFILE Yandex.Directory contains incomplete information about the organization.
NO_CHATS Chats on Search are missing.
NO_METRIKA_COUNTER Yandex.Metrica tag error.
NO_REGIONS The site region isn't set.
NOT_IN_SPRAV The site isn't registered in Yandex.Directory.
NOT_MOBILE_FRIENDLY The site isn't optimized for mobile devices.

HTTP status codes received by the robot during indexing (IndexingStatusEnum)

Indicator Description





For more information about statuses, see the help section.
OTHER Unsupported HTTP code, connection error, or other error.
Indicator Description





For more information about statuses, see the help section.
OTHER Unsupported HTTP code, connection error, or other error.

Site page status in search results (ApiSearchEventEnum)

Indicator Description
APPEARED_IN_SEARCH The page appeared in search results.
REMOVED_FROM_SEARCH The page was removed from search results.
Indicator Description
APPEARED_IN_SEARCH The page appeared in search results.
REMOVED_FROM_SEARCH The page was removed from search results.

The reason why the page was excluded from the search results (ApiExcludedUrlStatus)

Indicator Description
NOTHING_FOUND The robot doesn't know about the page, or it was unavailable for a long time. Submit the page for reindexing.
HOST_ERROR When trying to access the site, the robot could not connect to the server. Check the server response and make sure that the Yandex robot isn't blocked by the hosting provider. The site is indexed automatically when it becomes available for the robot. For information about the user agent robots, see the help section.
REDIRECT_NOTSEARCHABLE The page redirects to another page. The target page is indexed (RedirectTarget). Check the indexing of the target page.
HTTP_ERROR An error occurred when accessing the “HTTP error” page. Check the server response. If the problem persists, contact your site administrator or the server administrator. If the page is already available, submit it for reindexing.
NOT_CANONICAL The page is indexed by the canonical URL specified in the rel="canonical" attribute in its source code. Correct or delete the attribute if it is specified incorrectly. The robot will track the changes automatically.
NOT_MAIN_MIRROR The page belongs to a secondary site mirror, so it was excluded from the search.
PARSER_ERROR When trying to access the page, the robot couldn't get its content. Check the server response or the presence of prohibiting HTML elements. If the problem persists, contact your site administrator or the server administrator. If the page is already available, send it for reindexing.
ROBOTS_HOST_ERROR Site indexing is prohibited in the robots.txt file. The robot will automatically start crawling the page when the site becomes available for indexing.
ROBOTS_URL_ERROR Page indexing is prohibited in the robots.txt file. The robot will automatically crawl the page when it becomes available for indexing.
DUPLICATE The page duplicates a site page that is already in the search. For more information, see the help section.
LOW_QUALITY The page has been removed from search results due to low quality as determined by a special algorithm. If the algorithm finds the page relevant to users' search queries, it will appear in the search automatically.
CLEAN_PARAMS The page was excluded from the search after the robot processed the Clean-param directive. To get the page indexed, edit the robots.txt file.
NO_INDEX The page is excluded because the robots meta tag has the noindex value.

The robot does not have updated data for the page.

Check the server response or the presence of prohibiting HTML elements.

If the page is inaccessible to the robot, contact the administrator of your site or server. If the page is already available, send it for reindexing.

Indicator Description
NOTHING_FOUND The robot doesn't know about the page, or it was unavailable for a long time. Submit the page for reindexing.
HOST_ERROR When trying to access the site, the robot could not connect to the server. Check the server response and make sure that the Yandex robot isn't blocked by the hosting provider. The site is indexed automatically when it becomes available for the robot. For information about the user agent robots, see the help section.
REDIRECT_NOTSEARCHABLE The page redirects to another page. The target page is indexed (RedirectTarget). Check the indexing of the target page.
HTTP_ERROR An error occurred when accessing the “HTTP error” page. Check the server response. If the problem persists, contact your site administrator or the server administrator. If the page is already available, submit it for reindexing.
NOT_CANONICAL The page is indexed by the canonical URL specified in the rel="canonical" attribute in its source code. Correct or delete the attribute if it is specified incorrectly. The robot will track the changes automatically.
NOT_MAIN_MIRROR The page belongs to a secondary site mirror, so it was excluded from the search.
PARSER_ERROR When trying to access the page, the robot couldn't get its content. Check the server response or the presence of prohibiting HTML elements. If the problem persists, contact your site administrator or the server administrator. If the page is already available, send it for reindexing.
ROBOTS_HOST_ERROR Site indexing is prohibited in the robots.txt file. The robot will automatically start crawling the page when the site becomes available for indexing.
ROBOTS_URL_ERROR Page indexing is prohibited in the robots.txt file. The robot will automatically crawl the page when it becomes available for indexing.
DUPLICATE The page duplicates a site page that is already in the search. For more information, see the help section.
LOW_QUALITY The page has been removed from search results due to low quality as determined by a special algorithm. If the algorithm finds the page relevant to users' search queries, it will appear in the search automatically.
CLEAN_PARAMS The page was excluded from the search after the robot processed the Clean-param directive. To get the page indexed, edit the robots.txt file.
NO_INDEX The page is excluded because the robots meta tag has the noindex value.

The robot does not have updated data for the page.

Check the server response or the presence of prohibiting HTML elements.

If the page is inaccessible to the robot, contact the administrator of your site or server. If the page is already available, send it for reindexing.

RSS feed upload modes (PagesLoadMode)

Indicator Description
DEBUG Debugging the Turbo page display.
PRODUCTION Turbo pages publishing.
Indicator Description
DEBUG Debugging the Turbo page display.
PRODUCTION Turbo pages publishing.

RSS feed upload mode filter (TaskTypeFilter)

Indicator Description
DEBUG Debugging the Turbo page display.
PRODUCTION Turbo pages publishing.
ALL Getting information about both task types.
Indicator Description
DEBUG Debugging the Turbo page display.
PRODUCTION Turbo pages publishing.
ALL Getting information about both task types.

Status of the RSS feed upload task (LoadStatus)

Indicator Description
PROCESSING The file is checked for errors.
OK The file is loaded and it doesn't contain errors.
WARNING XML elements in the file aren't supported by Yandex or are specified incorrectly.
ERROR The file contains errors (for example, duplicate XML elements).
Indicator Description
PROCESSING The file is checked for errors.
OK The file is loaded and it doesn't contain errors.
WARNING XML elements in the file aren't supported by Yandex or are specified incorrectly.
ERROR The file contains errors (for example, duplicate XML elements).