Creating a simple Turbo page


Use this guide to create a Turbo page for one of your site pages and see how mobile users respond to it.

The content of the generated Turbo page must repeat the main content of the site page.

  1. Step 1. Copy the RSS feed structure
  2. Step 2. Add information about the page
  3. Step 3. Add the content of the page
  4. Step 4. Upload your RSS feed to Yandex.Webmaster

Step 1. Copy the RSS feed structure

A simplified example of the RSS feed that contains only mandatory elements:

<?xml version = "1.0" encoding = "UTF-8"?>
<rss xmlns:yandex="" xmlns:media="" xmlns:turbo="" version="2.0">
        <item turbo="true">
                    <!-- Page content --> 
channel *
Source site information.
item *
Page information.
link *

The URL of the site page to generate the Turbo page for.

turbo:content *
Page content.


Step 2. Add information about the page

Specify the link element.
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link *

The URL of the site page to generate the Turbo page for.

  • The link must contain the HTTP or HTTPS scheme prefix.
  • The link domain must be the same as the source site domain.
  • The maximum length of the URL is 243 ASCII characters.
  • Each URL must contain one article.

When the link is clicked, the header and the beginning of the text should fit the first screen at 1024 × 768 resolution.


Step 3. Add the content of the page

Turbo page content is passed in the turbo:content element. Content must be wrapped in the ![CDATA[]]>
            <!-- Page content -->
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The page content must contain the page header and the content part:To make a Turbo page look more like the original, use HTML and CSS. Styles are set via CSS settings in Yandex.Webmaster.
...    <!-- Header -->
        <h1>Page title</h1>
            <img src="" />
        <h2>Level 2 heading</h2>
            <a href="">Link text</a>
            <a href="">Link text</a>
    <!-- Content part -->
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header *
h1 *

Page heading.

The element used for generating a preview in the header. Can be used for generating a picture with caption.
The src attribute must contain the image URL. JPEG, PNG, GIF formats are supported.

Level two heading.

Navigation menu.

Menu item. The href attribute must contain the site page link.
