Questions and answers

This section addresses frequently asked questions about working with Turbo pages for content sites.

General questions

How do I check if a Turbo pages appears in search results?

Easily check for the connected Turbo pages on any mobile device. To do this, run a Yandex search with the key:


If you want to check for the Turbo version of a specific article, run a Yandex search with the key:

How do I connect a web analytics service?

Turbo pages support the following web analytics services:

  • Yandex.Metrica

  • LiveInternet

  • Google Analytics

  • Mail.Ru rating

  • Rambler Top 100

  • Mediascope

You can also connect your own web analytics service if it supports installation as an image (pixel).

For more information, see Connecting to the web analytics service.

If you still have questions, write to us via the feedback form.

Feed processing errors

Select the error that occurred:

There are no errors, but the Turbo pages don't appear in search

If the feed loaded with the No errors" status, but the Turbo pages didn't appear in search:

Perform a mobile search site:<site url> and check the results. Make sure that Turbo pages don't appear in the search.

Step 2. Make sure that the Turbo pages aren't filtered out

Make sure that there are no critical errors for your site on the Turbo pages for content sites → Diagnostics page in Yandex.Webmaster. If there are errors, you need to fix them taking into account the content requirements.

Turbo pages are generated only for those pages that are included in search. Therefore, the page URL in the RSS feed must match the page URL in the search. If the links are different, Turbo pages won't be displayed.

  1. Make sure that the pages that you see in the feed are included in search and that their addresses match. When comparing links, pay attention to:

    • The protocol

    • If www is included

    • If there is a slash at the end of the link

  2. If the addresses match, perform a mobile search url:<page URL>, where the url of the page is any URL specified in the RSS feed.

    • If the page isn't in the search results, use the Check URL status tool in Yandex.Webmaster to find out why.

    • If the page is in the search results, contact Support. Include the example page in your message.

The feed is created manually

If feed processing failed:

  1. Click the arrow to the right of the file name to see a full description of the problem. The description shows the reason for the error and the line number where the robot found it.

  2. Find the line in your RSS feed and fix the error.

  3. Check the correction with the Debugging tool.

  4. Upload the corrected RSS feed to the server and wait for the update.

The feed is created using a plugin

To generate Turbo pages, you can use the recommended CMS plugins for media sites.

If a feed generated with the CMS plugin fails to process, contact the plugin's support service. If you don't know how to contact support, please let us know about the issue via the feedback form.

Pages don't follow the recommendations

Yandex.Webmaster validates the RSS feed content to make sure that it meets the following requirements:

A Turbo page must include all content that is on the main page

For example, if the main page contains headings, lists, images, or embedded social content, they should be included in exactly the same way on the Turbo page. The duplication or omission of a part of the main content is not permitted.

The Turbo page must fully repeat the structure of the main page

For example, if the main page text is divided into paragraphs, they must be formatted exactly the same way on the Turbo page.

The Turbo page can't contain validation errors or HTML elements that aren't supported by Turbo pages.

You can validate the RSS feed using Debugging.

If these requirements are not met, Turbo pages are filtered out and excluded from the search results after three days. Instead of them, common or mobile page versions will be displayed.

If the error appears for pages that were generated with the CMS plugin, contact the plugin support service. Report the error that occurred and specify why incomplete content is sent to the feeds.

I see the "Downloading images will take some time"/"Unable to download image" error

The Turbo bot is given a limited amount of time to process a feed. If the robot can't receive and convert all the images in the content fast enough, then this task is postponed for future visits, and error records are included in the diagnostics data.

It may take several days to complete this task if a large number of images or large-sized images are uploaded. The links to these images are specified in the feed. Once processing is finished, the robot clears the diagnostics feed. If errors are kept for a long time, check your server settings. Make sure that downloadable images are available when the number of requests is large.

Why is my feed taking so long to process?

Large feeds may take over 2 hours to process due to the high load on the robot. If processing your feed takes more than 5 hours, let us know via the feedback form.

Why were Turbo pages disabled on desktop?

During testing, we closely monitored Turbo page user metrics and concluded that the benefits of desktop Turbo pages are not always proportional to the resources spent on them. Therefore, it was decided to disable them. The traffic that previously went to desktop Turbo pages is directed to the original version of your site.

Plugins don't work

We don't develop plugins. For questions and suggestions, we recommend contacting the plugin developer or CMS support.

Questions about content Turbo pages

How do I enable Turbo pages for content sites?

Generating Turbo pages

Turbo pages for content sites are generated from an RSS feed. For more information about RSS feeds and their structure, see The RSS feed markup.
For some content sites, Turbo pages can be generated using Autoparsing. For more information, see Connecting Turbo pages generated with Autoparsing.


To enable Turbo pages:

  1. Create an RSS feed.

  2. Upload the feed to Yandex.Webmaster through the interface or the API.

  3. Install web analytics tags and advertising.

  4. Enable the display of Turbo pages.

To generate Turbo pages, use the recommended CMS plugins.

If a feed generated with a CMS plugin fails to process, contact the plugin support service. If you don't know how to contact support, please let us know about the issue via the feedback form.

How do I enable ad blocks?

To monetize Turbo pages, you can include Yandex Advertising Network ad blocks or ads from other systems using Adfox.

An ad block can be placed on the page manually or automatically.

When using automatic placement, the number of ads and the best positions are chosen automatically depending on the page length.

Manual setup

For manual placement, specify the location of the ad in the RSS feed using the figure element:

<figure data-turbo-ad-id="first_ad_place"></figure> 


The turbo-ad-id ad block ID, which is specified in the turbo:adNetwork element or on the Turbo pages for content sites → Settings page in Yandex.Webmaster.

For more information, see Enabling ads on mobile Turbo pages.

If you still have questions, write to us via the feedback form.

How do I customize the appearance of Turbo pages?

On Turbo pages, you can customize:

Why were Turbo pages blocked?

In Turbo pages for content sites → Diagnostics in Yandex.Webmaster, there is a critical error for your site because the content sent in the feed doesn't completely correspond to the content of the site's original pages. Therefore, the robot disabled all previously generated Turbo pages for the site. Examples of pages with content that doesn't correspond to the original can be found in the same section.

To unblock Turbo Pages:

  1. In Turbo pages for content sites → Data sources in Yandex.Webmaster, disable all currently active feeds.

  2. In the new RSS feed or via the API, send at least 100 fresh articles where the Turbo pages content exactly matches the content on the site's main pages. Make sure that the content is sent correctly and doesn't lead to errors or warnings when crawled by the robot.

  3. In Diagnostics in Yandex.Webmaster, click Check, and until the check is completed, don't change any sources by adding new pages or removing old ones, so the check runs correctly.

This usually takes about three days, after which the critical error will disappear from the Diagnostics page, or the examples will be updated.

For more information, see Content requirements.

I enabled Turbo pages, but I can't find them in search results. What should I do?

Turbo pages are generated only for pages whose main versions are included in search. Therefore, the page URL in the RSS feed must match the one in the search. If the links are different, Turbo pages won't be displayed. Statistics on the sent pages will still be displayed without errors.

Make sure that the pages that you see in the feed are included in search and that their addresses match. When comparing links, pay attention to:

  • The protocol

  • If www is included

  • If there is a slash at the end of the link

If you still have questions, write to us via the feedback form.

I disabled Turbo pages, but I still see them in search. What should I do?

To disable a Turbo page in the RSS feed, you need to pass the item element with the attribute turbo="false" together with the page URL. The page URL in the RSS feed must match the one in the search. If the URLs are different, Turbo pages will keep appearing in search.

Make sure that the pages you see in the feed are included in search and that their addresses match. When comparing links, pay attention to:

  • The protocol

  • If www is included

  • If there is a slash at the end of the link

If you still have questions, write to us via the feedback form.

Why did the extended snippet disappear from the search results?

Enabling Turbo pages doesn't guarantee that extended snippets appear in search. At the same time, Turbo pages are necessary for algorithms to generate an extended snippet.

An extended snippet can either appear or disappear. It's generated by algorithms based on a number of factors. Enabling Turbo pages is necessary, but not enough for displaying an extended snippet in search. Therefore, we don't have specific recommendations for getting them to permanently appear in search. The extended snippet may eventually be generated again.

Errors in the feed structure

If errors are found in the feed structure:

  • Check the feed for compliance with the RSS feed structure. RSS feed markup should start with the required lines:

    <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
    <rss xmlns:yandex=""
  • Make sure that all required fields in the feed are filled in and that there are no unsupported elements. The list of supported tags can be found in Text formatting.

  • Check that the document doesn't start with an empty line. This could cause the "XML elements are specified incorrectly" error.

  • Check the page layout using Debugging and fix any errors.

Turbo pages API

The Turbo pages API allows you to:

  • Upload RSS feeds to Yandex.Webmaster.

  • Validate the Turbo page markup.

  • Debug the display of Turbo pages.

For more information about working with the API, see Turbo pages API.

If you still have questions, write to us via the feedback form.

If you haven't found the answer to your question, use the special forms in the Support service.