Get Safe Browsing lists

The request returns information about the up-to-date Yandex-hosted Safe Browsing lists.

Safe Browsing lists consist of variable length SHA-256 hash prefixes (from 4 to 32 bytes) mapped to URLs of internet resources that pose threats to users. Each list is identified by the following parameters:Lists are generated and supported by Yandex. To learn about computing hashes, see URL and hashing.
  1. Request format
  2. Response format
  3. Example

Request format

 ? key=<API key>
key *

API key value.

key *

API key value.

*  Required

The response format is shown below. The sequence and presence of elements is not guaranteed. The response may contain auxiliary parameters not described in this document.

Response format

The response body contains a list of all up-to-date Safe Browsing lists with the parameters that identify each of them.

The resulting values are used in the request parameters:

  "threatLists": [
      "threatType": "{enum}",
      "platformType": "{enum}",
      "threatEntryType": "{enum}"

Updated Safe Browsing lists. Array of objects.

threatType *

Type of threat.

Possible values:
  • THREAT_TYPE_UNSPECIFIED: An unknown type of threat.

  • MALWARE: Malicious software.

  • SOCIAL_ENGINEERING: A threat related to social engineering.

  • UNWANTED_SOFTWARE: Unwanted software.

  • POTENTIALLY_HARMFUL_APPLICATION: An application that may pose a threat.

platformType *

A platform susceptible to the threat.

Possible values:
  • PLATFORM_TYPE_UNSPECIFIED: An unknown platform.

  • WINDOWS: A Windows operating system.

  • LINUX: A Linux operating system.

  • ANDROID: An Android operating system.

  • OSX: An OS X operating system.

  • IOS: An iOS operating system.

  • ANY_PLATFORM: At least one platform from the list.

  • ALL_PLATFORMS: All platforms.

  • CHROME: A Chrome platform.

threatEntryType *

The type of object that poses a threat.

Possible values:
  • THREAT_ENTRY_TYPE_UNSPECIFIED: The threat type is unknown.

  • URL: A URL address.

  • EXECUTABLE: An executable program.
