Accessing the API

The Yandex Partner Interface uses OAuth access tokens to authorize apps. Each token gives an app access to user data.

In order to use the OAuth protocol when working with the API, you must register your appregister your app. Fill in the main fields:

  • App name: The name that all app users will see.
  • Platforms: Select the Web services checkbox. Fill in the required Redirect URI field or click Set URL for development to set the default address.
  • Data access: Enter pi:all and select Use Yandex partner interface API from the list.

After registration, the app can get OAuth tokens for accessing user data in the Partner Interface. You need to receive a token for each user.

Using a token

The token that is received must be passed with every API call.

You can pass the token in the HTTP Authorization header and specify its type before the value:

Authorization: OAuth e78cf1a0ebbb19...