Reward class


This is an archived version of the documentation. Actual documentation for all platforms can be found here.

This class contains information about rewards for the user.


Reward(int amount, string type)

Creates an object of the Reward class with the specified parameters.

Reward(int amount, string type)

Creates an object of the Reward class with the specified parameters.


string amount

The reward amount in any units.

string type

Type of reward.

string amount

The reward amount in any units.

string type

Type of reward.


Method description

Reward(int amount, string type)

public Reward(int amount, string type)

Creates an object of the Reward class with the specified parameters.

amount The reward amount in any units.
type Type of reward.
amount The reward amount in any units.
type Type of reward.

Field description

string amount

public readonly string amount

The reward amount in any units.

string type

public readonly string type

Type of reward.