Integration debugging mode


This is an archived version of the documentation. Actual documentation for all platforms can be found here.

  1. Native ad integration indicator
  2. Ad SDK up-to-date version indicator

Use the integration debugging mode to find errors when enabling the ad SDK or to check integration success.

In debug mode, you can use:
  1. Native ad integration indicator
  2. Ad SDK latest version integration check

Native ad integration indicator

The indicator shows you if native ad integration was successful or provides debugging information so you can see the reason for the error.

To enable the indicator in debugging mode, call the enableDebugErrorIndicator method with the value true:


If the integration is successful, a light green border appears on top of the ad in debugging mode.

To disable the indicator in debugging mode, call the enableDebugErrorIndicator method with the value false:


Ad SDK up-to-date version indicator

We added an SDK latest version integration check to Yandex Mobile Ads SDK. Ad SDK latest version integration check includes:
  • Outdated library version indicator.
  • Lint check for the latest SDK version.

Outdated library version indicator

The indicator of an outdated ad SDK version is shown as a toast icon during the library initialization or ad loading.

More details about the problem are output to the app's logs.

Example of logs:
* The integrated version of the Yandex Mobile Ads SDK is outdated.                    *
* Please update to the latest version.                   *
* Learn more about the latest version of the SDK here:                                *
* *
* Changelog:        *

To disable the indicator in debugging mode, call the enableDebugErrorIndicator method with the value false:


We don't recommend that you disable validation for the outdated SDK version indicator. Make sure to use the latest library version to maximize your ad revenue.

Lint check for the latest SDK version

Lint check for the latest SDK version is run at the app's release version build time.

Lint check is performed by calling the lintVitalRelease gradle task. The task crashes if the ad SDK version is outdated.

This check prevents building an app if a newer SDK version has already been released.

To disable the latest SDK version check, use the standard gradle code to disable lint checks (for more information, see the Android documentation).

android {
    lintOptions {
        disable 'MobileAdsSdkOutdatedVersion'