Adaptive banners


This is an archived version of the documentation. Actual documentation for all platforms can be found here.

Adaptive banners are banners that fit seamlessly into user-defined unit sizes. Depending on how an adaptive banner is integrated, the optimal height is determined for the given width or the specified size of ad placement is used.


You can read about creating an ad unit for an adaptive banner in the Advertising Network Help.

  1. Types of adaptive banners
  2. Creating BannerAdview
  3. Loading ads
  4. Example of working with adaptive banners

Types of adaptive banners

Banner with set width


  1. An alternative to 320x50 banners (when determining the banner height, the aspect ratio of 320x50 is maintained).
  2. The banner is fixed in place at the top or bottom of the screen (set up in the app).
  3. The given banner width is used instead of the device screen width. This lets you take into account the display's features.
  4. The width of adaptive banners is set using the stickySize method.

Examples of displaying adaptive banners:

Banner with set width and height


  1. An adaptive banner fills up the entire unit using the given width and height.
  2. The width and height of an adaptive banner is set using the flexibleSize(int width, int height) method.

Examples of displaying adaptive banners:

Creating BannerAdview

  1. Add an object of the BannerAdView class to the project using an XML file or programmatically.

    // Creating an mBannerAdView instance using an XML file.
            mBannerAdView = (BannerAdView) findViewById(;
    // Creating an mBannerAdView instance programmatically.
            mBannerAdView = new BannerAdView(this);
  2. Set the AdUnitId using the setAdUnitId method.


    AdUnitId is a unique identifier in R-M-XXXXXX-Y format, which is assigned in the Partner Interface.

  3. Set the banner size using the setAdSize method.

    Banner with set width

    To set the width of an adaptive banner, call the stickySize(int width) method.

    Banner with set width and height

    To set the width and height of an adaptive banner, call the flexibleSize(int width, int height) method.

    mBannerAdView.setAdSize(AdSize.flexibleSize(width, height));
  4. After creating and configuring an instance of the BannerAdView class, you can set an AdEventListener on the ad object for tracking events (opening or closing the ad, exiting the app, and loading the ad successfully or unsuccessfully).

Loading ads

After creating and configuring the BannerAdView class object, load the ads. To load an ad, use the loadAd method, which takes the AdRequest object as a parameter (or Builder, which optionally accepts ad targeting data).

Example of working with adaptive banners

The following code demonstrates creating and configuring the AdView object, registering a listener, and loading an adaptive banner:

private BannerAdView mBannerAdView;
    public void onCreate(Bundle savedInstanceState) {
        // Creating an mAdView instance.
        mBannerAdView = (BannerAdView) findViewById(;

        // Creating an ad targeting object.
        final AdRequest adRequest = new AdRequest.Builder().build();

        // Registering a listener for tracking events in the banner ad.
        mBannerAdView.setAdEventListener(new BannerAdEventListener() {
            public void onAdLoaded() {
            public void onAdFailedToLoad(AdRequestError adRequestError) {

            public void onLeftApplication() {

            public void onReturnedToApplication() {

        // Loading ads.