Setting up simplified delivery of customer and order data

  1. Step 1. Preparing data to be linked to sessions
  2. What's next?

Step 1. Preparing data to be linked to sessions

Yandex Metrica uses customer characteristics (phone numbers and email addresses) or special ClientIDs for linking data.
Attention. Pass ClientIDs to make sure that the maximum number of orders is counted for ad campaign optimization and included in end-to-end analytics reports.
To use ClientIDs to work with data from your CRM:
  1. Get the IDs using the getClientID JavaScript API method.
  2. Save the IDs in your CRM.
  3. Upload them with your customer data.
Note. Some CRM request providers can automatically pass the ClientID when creating a request.

What's next?

Pass the data to Yandex Metrica using the POST /cdp/api/v1/counter/{counterId}/data/simple_orders method.