
The Yandex Metrica Logs API supporting parameterization, a mechanism for defining parameters. This feature is available for most fields.

Using parameterization, you can specify the attribution model. Parameters are specified in angle brackets: <>. For example, ym:s:<attribution>TrafficSource.

Possible values:
  • first: The first source.
  • last: The last source.
  • lastsign: The last significant source (used by default).
  • last_yandex_direct_click: The last click from Yandex Direct.
The values that define cross-device attribution are also available:
  • cross_device_first: The first source, including sessions from all the user's devices.
  • cross_device_last: The last source, including sessions from all the user's devices.
  • cross_device_last_significant: The last significant source, including sessions from all the user's devices.
  • cross_device_last_yandex_direct_click: The last click from Yandex Direct, including sessions from all the user's devices.
  • automatic: Automatic attribution. For more information, see the Help section.

You can also specify the attribution model explicitly, for example, ym:s:lastTrafficSource.