
Field Data type Description
ym:s:visitID UInt64 Session ID
ym:s:counterID UInt32 Tag ID
ym:s:watchIDs Array(UInt64) Pageviews in this session. Array size is limited to 500 page views
ym:s:date Date Session date
ym:s:dateTime DateTime Session date and time (in the tag's time zone)
ym:s:dateTimeUTC DateTime Event date and time (in the UTC+3 time zone)
ym:s:isNewUser UInt8 User's first session
ym:s:startURL String Landing page
ym:s:endURL String Exit page
ym:s:pageViews Int32 Page depth (detailed)
ym:s:visitDuration UInt32 Time on site (detailed)
ym:s:bounce UInt8 Bounce rate
ym:s:ipAddress String IP address
ym:s:regionCountry String Country (ISO)
ym:s:regionCity String City (name in English)
ym:s:regionCountryID UInt32 Country ID
ym:s:regionCityID UInt32 City ID
ym:s:clientID UInt64 Anonymous user ID in the browser (first-party cookies)
ym:s:counterUserIDHash UInt64 User ID (within a single browser) used to count unique site users in the Yandex Metrica interface
ym:s:networkType String Connection type
ym:s:goalsID Array(UInt32) IDs of the goals completed in this session
ym:s:goalsSerialNumber Array(UInt32) Serial numbers of completed goals with a specific ID
ym:s:goalsDateTime Array(DateTime) Time of each goal completion (in the UTC+3 time zone)
ym:s:goalsPrice Array(Int64) Goal value
ym:s:goalsOrder Array(String) Order ID
ym:s:goalsCurrency Array(String) Currency ID
ym:s:<attribution>TrafficSource String Traffic source
ym:s:<attribution>AdvEngine String Advertising system
ym:s:<attribution>ReferalSource String Referral traffic
ym:s:<attribution>SearchEngineRoot String Search engine
ym:s:<attribution>SearchEngine String Search engine (detailed)
ym:s:<attribution>SocialNetwork String Social network
ym:s:<attribution>SocialNetworkProfile String Social network group
ym:s:referer String Referrer
ym:s:<attribution>DirectClickOrder UInt32 Yandex Direct campaign
ym:s:<attribution>DirectBannerGroup UInt32 Ad group
ym:s:<attribution>DirectClickBanner String Yandex Direct ad
ym:s:<attribution>DirectClickOrderName String Yandex Direct campaign name
ym:s:<attribution>ClickBannerGroupName String Ad group name
ym:s:<attribution>DirectClickBannerName String Yandex Direct ad name
ym:s:<attribution>DirectPhraseOrCond String Ad impression criteria
ym:s:<attribution>DirectPlatformType string Platform type
ym:s:<attribution>DirectPlatform String Platform
ym:s:<attribution>DirectConditionType String Type of ad impression criteria
ym:s:<attribution>CurrencyID String Currency
ym:s:from String "From" tag
ym:s:<attribution>UTMCampaign String UTM Campaign
ym:s:<attribution>UTMContent String UTM Content
ym:s:<attribution>UTMMedium String UTM Medium
ym:s:<attribution>UTMSource String UTM Source
ym:s:<attribution>UTMTerm String UTM Term
ym:s:<attribution>openstatAd String Openstat Ad
ym:s:<attribution>openstatCampaign String Openstat Campaign
ym:s:<attribution>openstatService String Openstat Service
ym:s:<attribution>openstatSource String Openstat Source
ym:s:<attribution>hasGCLID UInt8 GCLID tag present
ym:s:<attribution>GCLID String GCLID tag
ym:s:browserLanguage String Browser language
ym:s:browserCountry String Browser country
ym:s:clientTimeZone Int16 Difference between the user's time zone and UTC (in minutes)
ym:s:deviceCategory String Device type. Possible values: 1 — desktop, 2 — mobile phone, 3 — tablet, 4 — TV
ym:s:mobilePhone String Device manufacturer
ym:s:mobilePhoneModel String Device model
ym:s:operatingSystemRoot String Group of operating systems
ym:s:operatingSystem String Operating system (detailed)
ym:s:browser String Browser
ym:s:browserMajorVersion UInt16 Major version of the browser
ym:s:browserMinorVersion UInt16 Minor version of the browser
ym:s:browserEngine String Browser engine
ym:s:browserEngineVersion1 UInt16 Major version of the browser engine
ym:s:browserEngineVersion2 UInt16 Minor version of the browser engine
ym:s:browserEngineVersion3 UInt16 Build version of the browser engine
ym:s:browserEngineVersion4 UInt16 Revision version of the browser engine
ym:s:cookieEnabled UInt8 Cookies present
ym:s:javascriptEnabled UInt8 JavaScript present
ym:s:screenFormat String Aspect ratio Possible values:
  • undefined
  • 9:21
  • 9:16
  • 3:5
  • 10:16
  • 2:3
  • 3:4
  • 4:5
  • 5:4
  • 4:3
  • 3:2
  • 16:10
  • 5:3
  • 16:9
  • 21:9
ym:s:screenColors UInt8 Color depth
ym:s:screenOrientation String Screen orientation
ym:s:screenWidth UInt16 Logical width
ym:s:screenHeight UInt16 Logical height
ym:s:physicalScreenWidth UInt16 Physical width
ym:s:physicalScreenHeight UInt16 Physical height
ym:s:windowClientWidth UInt16 Window width
ym:s:windowClientHeight UInt16 Window height
ym:s:purchaseID Array(String) Purchase ID
ym:s:purchaseDateTime Array(DateTime) Purchase date and time
ym:s:purchaseAffiliation Array(String) Store or branch where the transaction occurred
ym:s:purchaseRevenue Array(Float64) Total revenue or total value of the transaction
ym:s:purchaseTax Array(Float64) Sum of all taxes for the transaction
ym:s:purchaseShipping Array(Float64) Shipping cost for the transaction
ym:s:purchaseCoupon Array(String) A prom