
Field Data type Description
ym:pv:watchID UInt64 Pageview ID
ym:pv:counterID UInt32 Tag ID
ym:pv:date Date Event date
ym:pv:dateTime DateTime Event date and time (in the tag's time zone)
ym:pv:title String Page title
ym:pv:URL String Page URL
ym:pv:referer String Referrer
ym:pv:UTMCampaign String UTM Campaign
ym:pv:UTMContent String UTM Content
ym:pv:UTMMedium String UTM Medium
ym:pv:UTMSource String UTM Source
ym:pv:UTMTerm String UTM Term
ym:pv:browser String Browser
ym:pv:browserMajorVersion UInt16 Major version of the browser
ym:pv:browserMinorVersion UInt16 Minor version of the browser
ym:pv:browserCountry String Browser country
ym:pv:browserEngine String Browser engine
ym:pv:browserEngineVersion1 UInt16 Major version of the browser engine
ym:pv:browserEngineVersion2 UInt16 Minor version of the browser engine
ym:pv:browserEngineVersion3 UInt16 Build version of the browser engine
ym:pv:browserEngineVersion4 UInt16 Revision version of the browser engine
ym:pv:browserLanguage String Browser language
ym:pv:clientTimeZone Int16 Difference between the user's time zone and UTC (in minutes)
ym:pv:cookieEnabled UInt8 Cookies present
ym:pv:deviceCategory String Device type. Possible values: 1 — desktop, 2 — mobile phone, 3 — tablet, 4 — TV
ym:pv:from String "From" tag
ym:pv:hasGCLID UInt8 GCLID present
ym:pv:GCLID String GCLID
ym:pv:ipAddress String IP address
ym:pv:javascriptEnabled UInt8 JavaScript present
ym:pv:mobilePhone String Device manufacturer
ym:pv:mobilePhoneModel String Device model
ym:pv:openstatAd String Openstat Ad
ym:pv:openstatCampaign String Openstat Campaign
ym:pv:openstatService String Openstat Service
ym:pv:openstatSource String Openstat Source
ym:pv:operatingSystem String Operating system (detailed)
ym:pv:operatingSystemRoot String Group of operating systems
ym:pv:physicalScreenHeight UInt16 Physical height
ym:pv:physicalScreenWidth UInt16 Physical width
ym:pv:regionCity String City (name in English)
ym:pv:regionCountry String Country (ISO)
ym:pv:regionCityID UInt32 City ID
ym:pv:regionCountryID UInt32 Country ID
ym:pv:screenColors UInt8 Color depth
ym:pv:screenFormat String Aspect ratio Possible values:
  • undefined
  • 9:21
  • 9:16
  • 3:5
  • 10:16
  • 2:3
  • 3:4
  • 4:5
  • 5:4
  • 4:3
  • 3:2
  • 16:10
  • 5:3
  • 16:9
  • 21:9
ym:pv:screenHeight UInt16 Logical height
ym:pv:screenOrientation String Screen orientation
ym:pv:screenWidth UInt16 Logical width
ym:pv:windowClientHeight UInt16 Window height
ym:pv:windowClientWidth UInt16 Window width
ym:pv:lastTrafficSource String Traffic source
ym:pv:lastSearchEngine String Search engine (detailed)
ym:pv:lastSearchEngineRoot String Search engine
ym:pv:lastAdvEngine String Advertising system
ym:pv:artificial UInt8 Artificial hit passed using hit(), event(), and other functions.
ym:pv:pageCharset String Page encoding
ym:pv:isPageView UInt8 Pageview. Takes the 0 value if the hit shouldn't be counted as a pageview
ym:pv:isTurboPage UInt8 Pageview from a Turbo page. Acceptable values: 1 — yes, 0 — no.
ym:pv:isTurboApp UInt8 Pageview from a Turbo service. Acceptable values: 1 — yes, 0 — no.
ym:pv:download UInt8 File download
ym:pv:notBounce UInt8 Special “non-bounce” event (for accurate bounce rate)
ym:pv:lastSocialNetwork String Social network
ym:pv:httpError String Error code
ym:pv:clientID UInt64 Anonymous user ID in the browser (first-party cookies)
ym:pv:counterUserIDHash UInt64 User ID (within a single browser) used to count unique site users in the Yandex Metrica interface
ym:pv:networkType String Connection type
ym:pv:lastSocialNetworkProfile String Social network page that is the click source
ym:pv:goalsID Array(UInt32) IDs of the goals completed in this pageview
ym:pv:shareService String “Share” button, service name
ym:pv:shareURL String “Share” button, URL
ym:pv:shareTitle String “Share” button, page title
ym:pv:iFrame UInt8 iFrame pageview
ym:pv:recommendationSystem String Click-through from recommendation systems
ym:pv:messenger String Click from messenger
ym:pv:parsedParamsKey1 Array(String) Pageview parameters, level 1
ym:pv:parsedParamsKey2 Array(String) Pageview parameters, level 2
ym:pv:parsedParamsKey3 Array(String) Pageview parameters, level 3
ym:pv:parsedParamsKey4 Array(String) Pageview parameters, level 4
ym:pv:parsedParamsKey5 Array(String) Pageview parameters, level 5
ym:pv:parsedParamsKey6 Array(String) Pageview parameters, level 6
ym:pv:parsedParamsKey7 Array(String) Pageview parameters, level 7
ym:pv:parsedParamsKey8 Array(String) Pageview parameters, level 8
ym:pv:parsedParamsKey9 Array(String) Pageview parameters, level 9
ym:pv:parsedParamsKey10 Array(String) Pageview parameters, level 10
Field Data type Description
ym:pv:watchID UInt64 Pageview ID
ym:pv:counterID UInt32 Tag ID
ym:pv:date Date Event date
ym:pv:dateTime DateTime Event date and time (in the tag's time zone)
ym:pv:title String Page title
ym:pv:URL String Page URL
ym:pv:referer String Referrer
ym:pv:UTMCampaign String UTM Campaign
ym:pv:UTMContent String UTM Content
ym:pv:UTMMedium String UTM Medium
ym:pv:UTMSource String UTM Source
ym:pv:UTMTerm String UTM Term
ym:pv:browser String Browser
ym:pv:browserMajorVersion UInt16 Major version of the browser
ym:pv:browserMinorVersion UInt16 Minor version of the browser
ym:pv:browserCountry String Browser country
ym:pv:browserEngine String Browser engine
ym:pv:browserEngineVersion1 UInt16 Major version of the browser engine
ym:pv:browserEngineVersion2 UInt16 Minor version of the browser engine
ym:pv:browserEngineVersion3 UInt16 Build version of the browser engine
ym:pv:browserEngineVersion4 UInt16 Revision version of the browser engine
ym:pv:browserLanguage String Browser language
ym:pv:clientTimeZone Int16 Difference between the user's time zone and UTC (in minutes)
ym:pv:cookieEnabled UInt8 Cookies present
ym:pv:deviceCategory String Device type. Possible values: 1 — desktop, 2 — mobile phone, 3 — tablet, 4 — TV
ym:pv:from String "From" tag
ym:pv:hasGCLID UInt8 GCLID present
ym:pv:GCLID String GCLID
ym:pv:ipAddress String IP address
ym:pv:javascriptEnabled UInt8 JavaScript present
ym:pv:mobilePhone String Device manufacturer
ym:pv:mobilePhoneModel String Device model
ym:pv:openstatAd String Openstat Ad
ym:pv:openstatCampaign String Openstat Campaign
ym:pv:openstatService String Openstat Service
ym:pv:openstatSource String Openstat Source
ym:pv:operatingSystem String Operating system (detailed)
ym:pv:operatingSystemRoot String Group of operating systems
ym:pv:physicalScreenHeight UInt16 Physical height
ym:pv:physicalScreenWidth UInt16 Physical width
ym:pv:regionCity String City (name in English)
ym:pv:regionCountry String Country (ISO)
ym:pv:regionCityID UInt32 City ID
ym:pv:regionCountryID UInt32 Country ID
ym:pv:screenColors UInt8 Color depth
ym:pv:screenFormat String Aspect ratio Possible values:
  • undefined
  • 9:21
  • 9:16
  • 3:5
  • 10:16
  • 2:3
  • 3:4
  • 4:5
  • 5:4
  • 4:3
  • 3:2
  • 16:10
  • 5:3
  • 16:9
  • 21:9
ym:pv:screenHeight UInt16 Logical height
ym:pv:screenOrientation String Screen orientation
ym:pv:screenWidth UInt16 Logical width
ym:pv:windowClientHeight UInt16 Window height
ym:pv:windowClientWidth UInt16 Window width
ym:pv:lastTrafficSource String Traffic source
ym:pv:lastSearchEngine String Search engine (detailed)
ym:pv:lastSearchEngineRoot String Search engine
ym:pv:lastAdvEngine String Advertising system
ym:pv:artificial UInt8 Artificial hit passed using hit(), event(), and other functions.
ym:pv:pageCharset String Page encoding
ym:pv:isPageView UInt8 Pageview. Takes the 0 value if the hit shouldn't be counted as a pageview
ym:pv:isTurboPage UInt8 Pageview from a Turbo page. Acceptable values: 1 — yes, 0 — no.
ym:pv:isTurboApp UInt8 Pageview from a Turbo service. Acceptable values: 1 — yes, 0 — no.
ym:pv:download UInt8 File download
ym:pv:notBounce UInt8 Special “non-bounce” event (for accurate bounce rate)
ym:pv:lastSocialNetwork String Social network
ym:pv:httpError String Error code
ym:pv:clientID UInt64 Anonymous user ID in the browser (first-party cookies)
ym:pv:counterUserIDHash UInt64 User ID (within a single browser) used to count unique site users in the Yandex Metrica interface
ym:pv:networkType String Connection type
ym:pv:lastSocialNetworkProfile String Social network page that is the click source
ym:pv:goalsID Array(UInt32) IDs of the goals completed in this pageview
ym:pv:shareService String “Share” button, service name
ym:pv:shareURL String “Share” button, URL
ym:pv:shareTitle String “Share” button, page title
ym:pv:iFrame UInt8 iFrame pageview
ym:pv:recommendationSystem String Click-through from recommendation systems
ym:pv:messenger String Click from messenger
ym:pv:parsedParamsKey1 Array(String) Pageview parameters, level 1
ym:pv:parsedParamsKey2 Array(String) Pageview parameters, level 2
ym:pv:parsedParamsKey3 Array(String) Pageview parameters, level 3
ym:pv:parsedParamsKey4 Array(String) Pageview parameters, level 4
ym:pv:parsedParamsKey5 Array(String) Pageview parameters, level 5
ym:pv:parsedParamsKey6 Array(String) Pageview parameters, level 6
ym:pv:parsedParamsKey7 Array(String) Pageview parameters, level 7
ym:pv:parsedParamsKey8 Array(String) Pageview parameters, level 8
ym:pv:parsedParamsKey9 Array(String) Pageview parameters, level 9
ym:pv:parsedParamsKey10 Array(String) Pageview parameters, level 10