
The Reports API allows you to get site traffic statistics and other data without using the Yandex Metrica interface.

API requests are created using dimensions and metrics.

A dimension is an attribute of a session or hit that can be used for grouping data.

In API requests, dimensions are set in the dimensions parameter. If you need to list multiple dimensions, separate them with commas.

You can also make a report without dimensions. In this case, the cumulative result is calculated.

A metric is a numerical value that is based on an attribute of a hit or session.

In API requests, metrics are set in the metrics parameter. If you need to list multiple metrics, separate them with commas.

More about terminology

Let's explore the concepts of “dimension” and “metric” in more detail using the example of a Yandex Metrica operating system report:

Operating system Page depth
Windows 4.2
IOS 3.1
Linux 1.6
Operating system Page depth
Windows 4.2
IOS 3.1
Linux 1.6


  • Operating system is an attribute of a session that is used for grouping report data (a dimension).
  • Page depth is a value calculated from numerical attributes of sessions (a metric) corresponding to the specified dimension.

If you are familiar with SQL, you can think of dimensions as columns used for grouping data, and metrics as the results returned by aggregate functions.

For example, the report shown above can be imagined as a query to a hypothetical table of sessions:

SELECT operatingSystem, avg(depth) from visits GROUP BY operatingSystem

You can create the desired report structure by specifying metrics and dimensions in the API request.

For example, to get a report on page depth with data grouped by OS type and version, use this request:

Compatibility of dimensions and metrics

The API supports two types of groupings and metrics:

  • Sessions have the ym:s: prefix.
  • Hits have the ym:pv: prefix.

You can't use different prefixes in the same request or specify more than one category (see Categories and relationships).


You can specify a different prefix from the one set in the request and different categories when using the filters parameter for filtering resulting data by dimensions.

For example, this request generates a report on the number of sessions and unique users from search engines for the page specified in the request:


  • dimensions=ym:s:searchEngineName: Data grouped by the parameter ym:s:searchEngine (type of search engine).
  • metrics=ym:s:visits,ym:s:users: Number of sessions and users.
  • filters=ym:s:trafficSourceName=='Traffic from search engines' AND ym:pv:URL=@'help': Data segmentation by the dimensions ym:s:trafficSourceName and ym:pv:URL.

Types of reports

Resulting data can be provided in the following formats:

All report levels and metrics are shown as a table.

To display data as a table, use the /stat/v1/data method.

Format of reports

The API returns responses in UTF-8 encoding. Responses are in JSON or CSV format.

The format is specified in the request after the URL:


Since JSON is the default format, it can be omitted:


Data disclosure

Yandex Metrica protects users' privacy and ensures that all collected information is depersonalized. Certain information, such as demographic data (gender, age, and so on), has limited disclosure. This data is provided only if there are more than 10 users in the sample.

For example, suppose you want to find out what percentage of users who visited your site during one day were male. At the time of the request, the site has been visited by 5 people (less than 10). In this case, the response will contain information about the total number of users for the day, but you won't be able to obtain data about the number of male visitors.