Protocol YMKMapObjectCollectionListener

The map object collection can't be modified in callbacks.

A runtime::RuntimeError exception is thrown if this happens.

Instance Methods

- onMapObjectAddedWithMapObject:

Called every time a new map object is added to the collection.

- onMapObjectRemovedWithMapObject:

Called every time a map object is removed from the collection.

- onMapObjectUpdatedWithMapObject:

Called every time a map object is updated.

- onMapObjectAddedWithMapObject:

Called every time a new map object is added to the collection.

- onMapObjectRemovedWithMapObject:

Called every time a map object is removed from the collection.

- onMapObjectUpdatedWithMapObject:

Called every time a map object is updated.

Method Detail


- (void)onMapObjectAddedWithMapObject:(nullable YMKMapObject *)mapObject 

Called every time a new map object is added to the collection.


- (void)onMapObjectRemovedWithMapObject:(nullable YMKMapObject *)mapObject 

Called every time a map object is removed from the collection.


- (void)onMapObjectUpdatedWithMapObject:(nullable YMKMapObject *)mapObject 

Called every time a map object is updated.