Request format
  ? apikey=<string>
  & origins=<lat1,lon1|lat2,lon2|...>
  & destinations=<lat1,lon1|lat2,lon2|...>
  & [mode=<string>]
  & [departure_time=<integer>]
  & [avoid_tolls=<boolean>]
  & [avoid_zones=<lat1,lon1|lat2,lon2|...>&avoid_zones=<lat1,lon1|lat2,lon2|...>]
  & [traffic=<string>]
  & [weight=<float>]
  & [axle_weight=<float>]
  & [max_weight=<float>]
  & [height=<float>]
  & [width=<float>]
  & [length=<float>]
  & [payload=<float>]
  & [eco_class=<integer>]
  & [has_trailer=<boolean>]

All params


Required parameter

The key issued in the Developer's Dashboard.


Key activation takes up to 15 minutes.


Required parameter

The origin points for routes specified in decimal degrees. Routes are created from each origin point to all of the destinations.
Each point is defined as a coordinate pair in the format: <latitude,longitude>
Coordinate pairs (points) are separated by the pipe symbol (|).

Maximum number of points per request: 100.


The maximum size of the matrix is 100 items. For example, you can specify 10 origins and 10 destinations in a single request, but you can't specify 50 origins with 10 destinations, because the resulting matrix will contain 500 items.


Required parameter

The destination points of routes specified in decimal degrees.
Each point is defined as a coordinate pair in the format: <latitude,longitude>
Coordinate pairs (points) are separated by the pipe symbol (|).

Maximum number of points per request: 100.


The maximum size of the matrix is 100 items. For example, you can specify 10 origins and 10 destinations in a single request, but you can't specify 50 origins with 10 destinations, because the resulting matrix will contain 500 items.


Type of travel on the route. Acceptable values:

  • driving: Passenger car route. Used by default.
  • truck: Truck route.
  • walking: Walking route.
  • transit: Public transit route.
  • bicycle: Bicycle route.
  • scooter: Electric scooter route.


When planning routes for trucks, the traffic rules of the Russian Federation apply. The service uses signs 3.4, 3.7, 3.11, 3.12, 3.13, 3.14, 3.15, 5.35, and 5.36 and table 8.11.

When planning routes for electric scooters, the traffic rules of the Russian Federation also apply. The service uses sign 3.35.


The departure time in UNIX time. Used for calculating the expected traffic congestion. If this parameter is omitted, the traffic forecast is made for the time of request processing.
This value can't be in the past.


This parameter is not used when calculating routes:

  • for walking, bicycle or electric scooter (mode=walking, mode=bicycle or mode=scooter),
  • without traffic jams (traffic=disabled).


No toll roads. When true, the route avoids toll roads. Default value: false (only for mode=driving or mode=truck).


Set up a custom polygon on the map to avoid it during routing. You can set up multiple polygons in the request. Each polygon should has at least 3 points (only for mode=driving or mode=truck).


Change the type of road traffic. When disabled, the route is built according to the shortest distance, without traffic jams (only for mode=driving or mode=truck).


Vehicle weight in tons (only for mode=truck).


Actual vehicle axle load in tons (only for mode=truck).


Maximum allowed vehicle weight in tons (only for mode=truck).


Vehicle height in meters (only for mode=truck).


Vehicle width in meters (only for mode=truck).


Vehicle length in meters (only for mode=truck).


Maximum vehicle load capacity in tons (only for mode=truck).


Vehicle emission standard (only for mode=truck).


Trailer (only for mode=truck). Default value: false.