
Creates audience targets and sets bids and priorities for the created targets.

  1. How bids and priorities are applied
  2. Restrictions
  3. Request
  4. Response
  • Bids and prices are passed via the Yandex Direct API as integers. The value passed is a bid or price multiplied by 1,000,000.

  • All bids and prices are shown in the advertiser's currency.

How bids and priorities are applied
The bid or priority is used depending on which display strategy is selected in the campaign:
  • If a manual strategy is set up in the campaign, the ContextBid parameter is used.

  • If the campaign has an automatic strategy set up, the StrategyPriority parameter is used: ads for audience targets with higher priority are allocated more traffic when possible, and they are the last ones to be stopped when budget funds are low.

If there isn't a parameter appropriate to the strategy, the default value is preserved.

  • If the strategy is manual but the bid isn't specified, the minimum bid is set by default (it depends on the advertiser's currency).

  • If the strategy is automatic but the priority isn't specified, the average priority is set by default.

If a parameter is specified that isn't appropriate for the strategy, its value is saved.

  • If the strategy is manual but the priority is specified, this priority value will be applied later when the strategy is switched to an automatic one.

  • If the strategy is automatic but a bid is specified, this bid value will not be applied: if the strategy switches from automatic to manual, the bid will be set according to an automatic algorithm.


Maximum of 1000 audience targets per method call.

For other restrictions, see the section Restrictions.


Request structure in JSON format:

  "method": "add",
  "params": { /* params */
    "AudienceTargets": [{  /* AudienceTargetAddItem */
      "AdGroupId": (long), /* required */
      "RetargetingListId": (long),
      "InterestId": (long),
      "ContextBid": (long),
      "StrategyPriority": ( "LOW" | "NORMAL" | "HIGH" )
    }, ... ] /* required */
Parameter Type Description Required
Params structure (for JSON) / AddRequest structure (for SOAP)
AudienceTargets array of AudienceTargetAddItem Audience targets to add. Yes
AudienceTargetAddItem structure
AdGroupId long ID of the group to add the audience target to. Yes
RetargetingListId long

ID of the retargeting list.

The scope of the retargeting list must match the type of ad group. See Scope.

The ID must be unique within the ad group: you can't have two audience targets with identical retargeting list IDs.

Either RetargetingListId or InterestId
InterestId long

ID of an app category interest.

To get the list of app categories, use the Dictionaries.get method and specify the dictionary name Interests in the request. You can only use interests that have the IsTargetable parameter set to YES in the reference list.

This parameter can only be used with the MOBILE_APP_AD_GROUP type of ad group. The ID must be unique within the ad group (you can't have two audience targets with identical interest IDs).

ContextBid long

The bid in ad networks, multiplied by 1,000,000. Integer. Only used for a manual strategy.

Specified in the advertiser's currency. Restrictions are listed in the currency reference. To get it, use the Dictionaries.get method and specify the Currencies dictionary name in the request.

The default value is the minimum bid.

Attention. An image ad can be displayed only if the bid is at least as high as the minimum bid for an ad with an image.
StrategyPriority PriorityEnum

The priority of the audience target: LOW, NORMAL or HIGH. Only used for an automatic strategy.

The default value is NORMAL.

Parameter Type Description Required
Params structure (for JSON) / AddRequest structure (for SOAP)
AudienceTargets array of AudienceTargetAddItem Audience targets to add. Yes
AudienceTargetAddItem structure
AdGroupId long ID of the group to add the audience target to. Yes
RetargetingListId long

ID of the retargeting list.

The scope of the retargeting list must match the type of ad group. See Scope.

The ID must be unique within the ad group: you can't have two audience targets with identical retargeting list IDs.

Either RetargetingListId or InterestId
InterestId long

ID of an app category interest.

To get the list of app categories, use the Dictionaries.get method and specify the dictionary name Interests in the request. You can only use interests that have the IsTargetable parameter set to YES in the reference list.

This parameter can only be used with the MOBILE_APP_AD_GROUP type of ad group. The ID must be unique within the ad group (you can't have two audience targets with identical interest IDs).

ContextBid long

The bid in ad networks, multiplied by 1,000,000. Integer. Only used for a manual strategy.

Specified in the advertiser's currency. Restrictions are listed in the currency reference. To get it, use the Dictionaries.get method and specify the Currencies dictionary name in the request.

The default value is the minimum bid.

Attention. An image ad can be displayed only if the bid is at least as high as the minimum bid for an ad with an image.
StrategyPriority PriorityEnum

The priority of the audience target: LOW, NORMAL or HIGH. Only used for an automatic strategy.

The default value is NORMAL.



Response structure in JSON format:

  "result": { /* result */
    "AddResults": [{  /* ActionResult */
      "Id": (long),
      "Warnings": [{  /* ExceptionNotification */
        "Code": (int), /* required */
        "Message": (string), /* required */
        "Details": (string)
      }, ... ],
      "Errors": [{  /* ExceptionNotification */
        "Code": (int), /* required */
        "Message": (string), /* required */
        "Details": (string)
      }, ... ] 
    }, ... ]
Parameter Type Description
Result structure (for JSON) / AddResponse structure (for SOAP)
AddResults array of ActionResult Results of adding audience targets.
ActionResult structure
Id long

The ID of a created audience target. Returned if there aren't any errors. See the section Operations on object arrays.

Warnings array of ExceptionNotification

Warnings that occurred during the operation.

Errors array of ExceptionNotification

Errors that occurred during the operation.

Parameter Type Description
Result structure (for JSON) / AddResponse structure (for SOAP)
AddResults array of ActionResult Results of adding audience targets.
ActionResult structure
Id long

The ID of a created audience target. Returned if there aren't any errors. See the section Operations on object arrays.

Warnings array of ExceptionNotification

Warnings that occurred during the operation.

Errors array of ExceptionNotification

Errors that occurred during the operation.