Add tags to an ad URL

Uses the cURL utility

This example shows how to append custom tags to an ad URL. The tag values are specified in the UserParam1 parameter for keywords using the Keywords.update method. The tag is appended to the ad URL using the Ads.update method. For instance, this allows you to pass keyword IDs from your internal system or other attributes that help you track ad performance.

To use the examples, change the input data to specify the OAuth token and the IDs of ads and keywords, and edit the URL. For a request on behalf of an agency, also specify the client login.

Change keyword parameters
curl \
 -H 'Authorization: Bearer TOKEN' \
  -H 'Client-Login: CLIENT_LOGIN' \
  -d '{ "method": "update",
  "params": {
      "Keywords": [{
          "Id": KEYWORD_1_ID,
          "UserParam1": "VALUE_1"
          "Id": KEYWORD_2_ID,
          "UserParam1": "VALUE_2"
Add a parameter to the ad URL
curl \
 -H 'Authorization: Bearer TOKEN' \
  -H 'Client-Login: CLIENT_LOGIN' \
  -d '{ "method": "update",
  "params": {
      "Ads": [{
          "Id": AD_ID_1,
          "TextAd": {
              "Href": "{param1}"
          "Id": AD_ID_2,
          "TextAd": {
              "Href": "{param1}"

Result: The first link in the ad goes to the page when the ad is served for keyword 1, and to the page when the ad is served for keyword 2.

Note. For cURL in Windows, replace all single quotes with double quotes, and escape double quotes in JSON code. For example: -d "{\"method\"...