Getting data: the "get" method

Getting only requested data

When calling the get method, you must explicitly list the parameters you want to get in the FieldNames array.


If the request specifies

"FieldNames": ["Id","Name","Status"]

you will get IDs, names, and statuses of objects.

If you need to get a parameter that does not have a value set, the get method returns "null" in this parameter. See the section The null (nil) value.

Selection criteria

Use the SelectionCriteria input structure for filtering objects in the get method. The set of criteria differs for different services. It is given in the description of the get method for each service.

Each criterion works like the IN operator in SQL. If multiple criteria are set, they are combined using the AND condition: you will get objects that simultaneously match all the criteria. If no objects are found that match the criteria, an empty structure is returned.

Note. The get method ignores the IDs of objects that are non-existing, deleted, or don't belong to an advertiser. It doesn't return any warnings or errors for such IDs.


If the request sets the criteria

"SelectionCriteria": {
   "CampaignIds": [1234567,1234589,1234777],
   "Statuses": ["PREACCEPTED","ACCEPTED"]

you will get objects with the status PREACCEPTED or ACCEPTED that belong to the campaigns 1234567, 1234589 or 1234777. Similarly to the SQL SELECT operator ... WHERE CampaignId IN (1234567,1234589,1234777) AND Status IN ("PREACCEPTED","ACCEPTED").

Paginated selection

The get method returns a maximum of 10,000 objects per request. To get paginated data, use the structure

"Page": { /* LimitOffset */
   "Limit": (long),
   "Offset": (long)
Parameter Type Description Required
LimitOffset structure
Limit long Number of returned objects (page size). From 0 to 10,000. If omitted, the limit is 10,000. No
Offset long The number of objects that should be skipped when getting the selection. If omitted, 0 is assumed. No
Parameter Type Description Required
LimitOffset structure
Limit long Number of returned objects (page size). From 0 to 10,000. If omitted, the limit is 10,000. No
Offset long The number of objects that should be skipped when getting the selection. If omitted, 0 is assumed. No

Example 1

If the request sets this:

"Page": { /* LimitOffset */
   "Limit": 200,
   "Offset": 600

objects numbered 601 to 800 will be returned.

How to determine whether all objects have been received

If the page returned is not the last one (there are more objects remaining in the selection), the get method returns the LimitedBy field — the number of the last object returned. To get the next page, specify the LimitedBy value as Offset for the next call of the get method, with the same SelectionCriteria.

Example 2

If the response to the get method in Example 1 does not contain the LimitedBy parameter, this is the last page in the selection.

If the response contains the LimitedBy parameter with the value 800, the next request must specify

"Page": { /* LimitOffset */
   "Limit": 200,
   "Offset": 800

Example 3

If the request did not have the Page structure, but the response contains the LimitedBy parameter set to 10,000, this means that the selection contains more than 10,000 objects and only the first page was returned. To get the next page, the next request must specify

"Page": { /* LimitOffset */
   "Offset": 10000

The Limit parameter is not required. By default, the limit is 10,000.