How to work with display campaigns

Display campaigns are ad campaigns where payment is based on Yandex Direct impressions (not clicks). Ads are displayed in the Yandex Advertising Network on desktops and mobile devices, as well as on digital billboards.

A display campaign can include ad groups with different formats. The Yandex Direct API currently supports display banners and video display ads. Read more about these formats in Display banners and Video advertising in the Help for Yandex Direct.

Manage campaigns

Restriction. To design creatives in Ad Builder or upload creatives, you must use the web interface at this time.
  1. Create a campaign with the CPM_BANNER_CAMPAIGN type: pass the CpmBannerCampaign structure in the Campaigns.add method.

    For information about working with this type of campaign, see the section Campaign type.

    For information about available display strategies, see the section Display strategies.

    For information about other campaign parameters, see the section Campaign parameters.

  2. You can add groups of display banners and groups of video ads to a display campaign.

Display banners

  1. Create an ad group.

    In a group of display banners, you can use either a user profile target or keywords. Depending on what impression criteria you plan to add, choose the group subtype:

    • To create a group with an audience target based on a user profile, use the AdGroups.add method to pass an empty CpmBannerUserProfileAdGroup structure.
      Note. Negative keywords are not allowed in a group with an audience target based on a user profile.
    • To create a group with keywords, use the AdGroups.add method to pass an empty CpmBannerKeywordsAdGroup structure.

    You cannot change the group subtype in the future.

  2. Add impression criteria to the group.

    1. Get reference lists of Crypta segments based on demographic and behavioral characteristics, as well as lists of Crypta user interest segments: use the Dictionaries.get method and specify AudienceDemographicProfiles and AudienceInterests in the request.
    2. Create a user profile: use the RetargetingLists.add method.

      The user profile is implemented as a retargeting list of the AUDIENCE type. For more information about the profile, see the section Retargeting list (RetargetingList).

    3. Add a user profile to the ad group: use the AudienceTargets.add method.

      If a manual display strategy is selected in the campaign, you can set a bid on the user profile immediately when adding the profile to an ad group or later using the AudienceTargets.setBids method.

  3. Add ads to the group:

    1. Design creatives in Ad Builder or upload existing creatives in the Yandex Direct web interface. See How to launch a display campaign in the Help for Yandex Direct.
    2. Get IDs of available creatives with the HTML5_CREATIVE and IMAGE_CREATIVE type: use the Creatives.get method.
    3. Add one or more ads with the CPM_BANNER_AD type to the group: use the Ads.add method. Pass the ad parameters in the CpmBannerAdBuilderAd structure.
  4. Submit ads for review: use the Ads.moderate method.

Video ads

  1. Create an ad group: use the Groups.add method to pass an empty CpmVideoAdGroup structure.
  2. Add a user profile target to the group.
    User profile
    1. Get reference lists of Crypta segments based on demographic and behavioral characteristics, as well as lists of Crypta user interest segments: use the Dictionaries.get method and specify AudienceDemographicProfiles and AudienceInterests in the request.
    2. Create a user profile: use the RetargetingLists.add method.

      The user profile is implemented as a retargeting list of the AUDIENCE type. For more information about the profile, see the section Retargeting list (RetargetingList).

    3. Add a user profile to the ad group: use the AudienceTargets.add method.

      If a manual display strategy is selected in the campaign, you can set a bid on the user profile immediately when adding the profile to an ad group or later using the AudienceTargets.setBids method.

  3. Add ads to the group:
    1. Design creatives in Ad Builder in the Yandex Direct web interface. See Video advertising / How to launch in the Help for Yandex Direct.
    2. Get IDs of available creatives with the CPM_VIDEO_CREATIVE type: use the Creatives.get method.
    3. Add one or more ads with the CPM_VIDEO_AD type: use the Ads.add method. Pass the ad parameters in the CpmVideoAdBuilderAd structure.
  4. Submit ads for review: use the Ads.moderate method.

Getting statistics

To get statistics for campaigns with the “Display campaign” type, use the Reports service. The report can provide the average CPM, the average frequency of impressions per user, and the number of unique users who were shown a banner.

In the report request, specify:

  • In the Type parameter — the REACH_AND_FREQUENCY_PERFORMANCE_REPORT report type.
  • In the Filter structure — one or multiple IDs of display campaigns. This type of report requires filtering by campaign.
  • In the FieldNames array, add the CampaignId, AvgCpm, AvgImpressionFrequency, and ImpressionReach values.

Request example

curl \
  -H 'Authorization: Bearer 0f0f0f0f0f0f0f0f0f0f0f0f0f0f0f0f' \
  -H 'Accept-Language: en' \
  -H 'Client-Login: agrom' \
  -H 'returnMoneyInMicros: false' \
  -d '{
    "params": {
      "SelectionCriteria": {
        "Filter": [{
          "Field": "CampaignId",
          "Operator": "IN",
          "Values": [ "10012", "10017" ]
      "FieldNames": [ "CampaignId", "Impressions", "Clicks", "Cost", "AvgCpm", "AvgImpressionFrequency", "ImpressionReach" ], 
      "OrderBy": [{
        "Field": "CampaignId"
      "ReportName": "Display campaigns",
      "DateRangeType": "LAST_WEEK",
      "Format": "TSV",
      "IncludeVAT": "YES",
      "IncludeDiscount": "YES"
  }' \