Compliance with the Children's Online Privacy Protection Act (COPPA)

AppMetrica allows its users to comply with COPPA:


The users of AppMetrica are app owners.

  • Yandex collects and maintains personal information from or about the users' apps visitors on behalf of the users.
  • Yandex takes reasonable measures to ensure the confidentiality, security and integrity of personal information processed with AppMetrica.
  • AppMetrica users can monitor whether Yandex respects the confidentiality and security of personal information processed using AppMetrica.
  • Users of AppMetrica shall comply with their obligations under CCPA and shall ensure that their use of AppMetrica complies with CCPA.
  • Yandex may terminate its provision of the service if Yandex receives actual knowledge that the user's app is child-directed, or is otherwise collecting the personal information of children under 13, and promptly delete any such information.

The information provided on this page does not constitute legal advice. Yandex is not responsible for the consequences of its use. Before making legally significant decisions, it is recommended to consult a lawyer.