Register with any email address

Many Yandex features are available for visitors who are not registered with Yandex. For example, they can search the Internet, read news, watch videos and check traffic or weather. To use extra features, register an account on Yandex.

You can use our simplified registration process. All you need to do is enter your email, first and last name, and come up with a password. After that, you can use more Yandex features.

To get access to all Yandex features, including getting an email at Yandex and using Yandex.Disk, you need to complete the full registration: create a unique username and password, provide your first and last name, and confirm your phone number.
  1. Register at Yandex with your email
  2. Log in to Yandex with your email address
  3. Complete registration

Register at Yandex with your email

There are two ways to register:

  1. Open a Yandex service.
  2. Click Log in (this button is usually in the top-right corner of the page).
  3. Enter your email address with any mail service. Click Log in.
  4. Enter the code sent to the specified email address.
  5. Enter your first and last name and click Next.
  6. Enter a password and click Next.
  7. Read the User Agreement terms and conditions and click Register.

You can use the email address you provided during registration as your Yandex username and to restore access to your account.

Log in to Yandex with your email address

If you registered using your email address, use it to log in to Yandex services.
  1. Open any Yandex service.
  2. Click Log in (this button is usually in the top-right corner of the page).
  3. Enter the email address that you used when registering on Yandex as your username.
  4. Click Log in.
  5. Enter the password you created for this email address during registration and click Log in again.

    If you didn't set a password when registering, click Send message to log in, check your mailbox, and follow the link from the email you received.

Complete registration

If you registered using your email address, provide additional details to complete the registration process.

  1. Create a username for your Yandex account.
  2. Enter the password you used when registering with your email address.
  3. Enter your mobile phone number and click Confirm.
  4. Enter the code from the SMS.
  5. Read and accept the User agreement terms and conditions.
  6. Click Next.

After completing the registration, you can log in to Yandex with your email address on a different mail service or with your new login. Your password will be the same for both logins.